ICHTHYOS 3 NUN 0/1 & God’s Mysterious Pencil

In Egyptian Mythology the Waters of Chaos predated all of existence, including the creator god, and were represented by the Anthropomorphic god Nun.

Despite all the various Creation myths that the Egyptians subscribed to, they had one thing in common, Nun. Even though the myths named different gods as the original creator, they all agreed that he sprang from Nun, the primordial waters. Nun was more than an ocean, he was a limitless expanse of motionless water. Even after the world was created, Nun continued to exist at it’s margins and would one day return to destroy it and begin the cycle again.


Our modern creation theories, most commonly, assume that absolutely everything was created by God, who is the only uncreated existence, without exception. Although the book most commonly refered to as the Athority on creation does not actually articulate this as fact. It is an assumtion made by Biblical creation believers, that the creation of water is included in the creation of Earth.

“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.”

Earth: Strong’s H776, erets – earth, land.

Here we can see that The Bible gives no literal account for the creation of water. 

2. And the Earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

There is also not a record here for the creation of darkness, and as the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, Darkness was upon the face of the deep (waters).

One may assume there creation, if belief requires, but the words are simply not there. Both the Water and the Earth are said to have been formless and void; and both the words for deep or sea and darkness are themselves nothingness. The word for water is formlessness and, more importantly, key word, unreality.

Without Form: Strong’s H8414, tohu- formlessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness.

Void: Strongs H922, bohu- emptiness, void.

Darkness: Strong’s H2822, choshek- darkness, night, obscurity,

 The Deep: Strong’s H8415, tehom- confusion, empty place, without form, nothing, vain, vanity, waste.

Or thom {teh-home’}; (usually feminine) from huwm; an abyss (as a surging mass of water), especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) — deep (place), depth.

Now there are two words for water used here; one is the deep and the other is the waters. Although the sense of nothingness, of uselessness is repeated by the meaning of waste.

Waters: Strong’s H4325, mayim- water, waste, loins, course.

Interestingly we have here a trinity of uncreated unthings; the Spirit of God, the Deep/waters, and the Dark are uncreated and exist atop the waters. The Deep, Dark Spirit of God, with all meanings considered, sounds very much like unconscious.

Later, in verses six and seven of Genesis one, God divides the waters above from the waters below. As if to separate consciousness from unconsciousness. Then, in verse nine, He gathers the waters below into one place separating them from earth to make the dry land.

Apearently God’s first three creations -the Heavens, Earth and light- were all made within the prexistant waters.
Disclaimer on zero.

What is meant by zero in context here is not nessisarilly what modern mathematics considers to be zero. Here we are looking for symbols that represent nothing, naught, none, void, absence and emptiness. The 0 digit is used to signify nothing as well as no symbol or no numeral. In the number 0.618 the zero does not mean nothing, but no numeral. If it did mean nothing then we would have a negative number (-.618). But .618 is not negative, because 0 does not mean nothing here. If the zero in 108 actually meant nothing, then either the one or the eight would be negative, while the number on the other side would be positive. Otherwise 108 would make no sense. This means that zero is often used in mathematics to mean the oposite of nothing. Only when the zero stands alone does it truly mean nothing. As in the zeros in this equation, 0×1=0.

Babalonians borrowed the base ten number system from Sanskrit. From there they were conveyed to western civilization by Leonardo Fibonacci, who also discovered the Golden Ratio or Phi. Phi is the praportion (1.618) to which the entire universe conforms. Sumerian, being the supposed oldest written language of man, marks the beginning of real-time recorded history. Just as Jesus’ birth is used to mark the zero point between BC and AD, so the founding of Sumer can be seen as a zero point between prehistory and history, as it is the beginning of our modern ability to understand an ancient written word. Sumer is almost certainly not the actual beginning of writing; as we well know that the origin of writing is not well known. The accepted record of writing, has its full development popping up suddenly,  as they say “seamingly over night”.

There is no record of a Sumerian form of the base ten system, and not, in particular, that of zero. The first known zero is the Sanscrit 0. It is possible, but debated, that some Babylonians may have possessed a concept of zero, but nowhere else did any civilization contemplate nothingness mathematically and develop a symbol for it except for the Hindus and Mayans; that is, according to mainstream accademia nuts. Yet as we examine these facts in the subjective manner, by which the reader is no doubt aquainted with by now, let us see if along the way, we don’t happen upon some other objective possibilities.

Inscription K-127, from Sambor on Mekong.

hindu zeroPhoto Credit: Debra Gross Aczel

The veryfirst recorded zero is the dot in the middle, to the right of the spiral-looking character, which is a 6 in Old Khmer.

Our zero is written, either just as its Hindu ancestor, a circle, or like the Mayan zero, an oval shape tilted by 90°. To the Maya it was a conch shell (presumably empty) which represented nothingness. Mayan-symbol-for-zeroThe top portion of this symbol is a chalice, the Vesica Pisces shape examined previously, and being within an oval shape, which may as well be a chalice itself, makes for a chalice within a chalice. The lower portion, illustrating the orophus of an empty conch shell, is a crescent. The chalice then is like the place holding zero where there is substance but no numeral, while zero the actual void is the crescent.

The Tao is called the Great Mother:  empty yet inexhaustible,it gives birth to infinite worlds.

Chapter 5, Tao Te Ching

Because it is ruffly the shape of an egg and is decorated with, in this case, a single large crescent and multiple small crescents, the Mayan zero also resembles an Easter egg and alludes to the idea of a cosmic or orphic egg from which the universe was born. A concept so independantly widespread, it would be simpler to list the cultures which have not derived it… if they could be found.
Of their symbol for zero, there are many variations in design used by the lost Mayan culture. In our example, with three small crescents, one might imagine a sailboat is drawn within it.

Like the ship from which the Mayan vigesimal numerals manifest or the egg from which they hatch. Oddly enough, it is often said, where one can read explanations of it, that this symbol for zero is a crescent. Although one must obviously ignore over two thirds of the image (the chalice portion) to make it so, this makes sense in light of the fact that the crescent is the emptiness of the shell.

“Thirty spokes unite at the single hub; It is the empty space which makes the wheel useful.

Mold clay to form a bowl; It is the empty space which makes the bowl useful.

Cut out windows and doors; It is the empty space which makes the room useful.”

Chapter 7, Tao Te Ching

Anyhow, the Hindu symbol of zero is seen daily, the world over, though most are unaware. It is the dot above the crescent in the Hindu Aum. The zero, “shunya” in Sanskrit, is also known as the fourth state “turiya”.

From wikipedia;

(Gaudapada wrote or compiled[7] the Māṇḍukya Kārikā, also known as the Gauḍapāda Kārikā and as the Āgama Śāstra.[note 1]

In this work, Gaudapada deals with perceptionidealismcausalitytruth, andreality. The fourth state, (turīya avasthā), corresponds to silence, as the other three correspond to AUM. It is the substratum of the other three states. It is, states Nakamura, atyanta-shunyata (absolute emptiness).[8]


The crescent underneath zero represents the Hindu concept of Maya. Maya is the illusion of substance, the separation from Turiya (zero). From this knowledge we can subjectively identify Maya as one; seeing how one is the first separation from zero.
More incredible is the fact that the number one in Mayan numbers is a dot, Just like the Hindu zero. So the Mayan symbol for one is a dot, while zero is a, so called, “crescent” and, subjectively, a Hindu symbol for one is a crescent, while their zero is a dot. imageHere we have two symbols, a crescent and a dot, representing two meanings respectively in the Hindu Indian culture. Then the same meanings being used with very similar symbols by the Mayan Indians, accept the designations of the two meanings are swapped with the respective symbols. All the while the name given by one of the two Indian cultures to one of the two symbols is the very same name of the other “indian” culture; namely Maya. All this, supposedly, put into place long before these two “Indian” peoples could have ever crossed paths being that they exist on oposite sides of the globe, whose spherical nature was also, suposedly, discovered on the same voyage, by the same seafarrer who discovered the new indian continent  and labeled the natives thereof, including the Mayan’s, “Indians”, because he mistakenly thought he had landed in India.

So what has all this zero and one in Mayan and Hindu cultures got to do with fish?
First of all, remember the Egyptian mountain of the setting Sun called Manu discussed in ICHTHYOS 2?

The symbolism is quite similar and the meanings also intersect subjectively through the phonetics of the name for the double lion god, “Aker” and the English word acre.

According to its etymology, the original meaning of the English word acre, “without reference to dimension”, is preserved by the term “God’s acre”. A double is a plural so we are refering above to the gods Aker.

acre (n.) 
Old English æcer “tilled field, open land,” from Proto-Germanic *akraz “field, pasture” (source also of Old Norse akr, Old Saxon akkar, Old Frisian ekker, Middle Dutch acker, Dutch akker, Old High German achar, German acker, Gothic akrs), from PIE *agro- “field” (source also of Latin ager “field, land,” Greek agros, Sanskrit ajras “plain, open country”).

Originally in English without reference to dimension; in late Old English the amount of land a yoke of oxen could plow in a day, afterward defined by statute as a piece 40 poles by 4, or an equivalent shape (5 Edw. I, 31 Edw. III, 24 Hen. VIII). Original sense retained in God’s acre “churchyard.”

The Muslim concept of Alah having no image is represented by the crescent and star, just as the lingam of the Hindus illustrates a formless god and the term God’s acre refers to no specific  dimension.

That is only a soft connection, but a more solid parallel to fish symbolism comes in two steps.

1. The arabic letter Nun, (phonetically “noon”) is a crescent and dot, similar to the crescent moon and star used to symbolize Islam and exactly the same as the Hindu Shunia and Maya (zero and one).

2. The Hebrew word and letter Nun (none)  stands for (drumroll) FISH!


imageBecause of the Hebrew meaning fish and the homily between the Arrabic and Hebrew Nun, the American made terrorist orgonization called ISIS or ISIL began graffiti labeling the Arabbic Nun on Christian households. The end result of which is that Christians, who are always eager to prove Biblical prophecy and match, or even one up, the recorded levels of their cousins’,  (the Hebrew’s) persecutions, embraced the symbol proudly as another sign of the Christian Ichthys.

looks like nun, sounds like noon. Which plays nicely itself with zero, via the clock. 12 being noon (mid-day) and the zulu (military time) zero (zero hundred hours) or midnight.

Noon and none; the Sun and the crescent Moon.

We will return to nun several times here and again in the next eddition of ICHTHYOS.

The Egyptians may also have had a mathematical zero after all. This Heiroglyph was often even used as a zero point, with a negative count and a positive, as in 3 2 1-0+1 2 3. Here is a quote to support the claim.
From, The Crest Of The Peacock, by Joseph George Gheverghese.                                     Chapter 3 The Beginnings Of Egypt, Page 86.

“The absence of zero is a shortcoming of Egyptian numeration that is  often referred to in histories of mathematics. It is clear that an absence of  zero as a placeholder is perfectly consistent with a number system such as  the Egyptian system. However, in two other senses it may be argued, as  Lumpkin (2002, pp. 161–67) has done, that the concept of zero was present  in Egyptian mathematics. First, there is zero as a number. Scharff (1922,  pp. 58–59) contains a monthly balance sheet of the accounts of a traveling  royal party, dating back to around 1770 BC, which shows the expenditure  and the income allocated for each type of good in a separate column. The  balance of zero, recorded in the case of four goods, is shown by the nfr symbol that corresponds to the Egyptian word for “good,” “complete,” or  “beautiful.” It is interesting, in this context, that the concept of zero has a positive association in other cultures as well, such as in India (sunya) and  among the Maya (the shell symbol). 

The same nfr symbol appears in a series of drawings of some Old Kingdom constructions. For example, in the construction of Meidun Pyramid,  it appears as a ground reference point for integral values of cubits given as  “above zero” (going up) and “below zero” (going down). There are other  examples of these number lines at pyramid sites, known and referred to by  Egyptologists early in the century, including Borchardt, Petrie, and Reiner,  but not mentioned by historians of mathematics, not even Gillings (1972), who played such an important role in revealing the treasures of Egyptian  mathematics to a wider public. About fifteen hundred years after Ahmes,  in a deed from Edfu, there is a use of the “zero concept as a replacement to  a magnitude in geometry,” according to Boyer (1968, p. 18). Perhaps there  are other examples waiting to be found in Egypt.”

Is it not striking, how much the bottom section of this Egyptian zero glyph (NFR) resembles the Mayan zero conch shell glyph, while the crescent and oval resemble the Sanskrit and Arabic symbols?

 Wait till you see what is next.

Hebrews are said to have no digit for zero; what they do have is a word for nothing which apears in Strong’s as H369 Ayin.

Here’s a string of objectively tangent subjectivity that leads up to the fish, wich is coming up again anyhow.

I wonder… What would Nikolai Tesla have to say about the 369 reference in Strong’s Hebrew Numbers being associated with a word for nothing?

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”

Nikolai Tesla

Espescialy if he also took the following into consideration with the rest of this fishy nun stuff.

√153 = 12.3693168769 = The number of full moons per year. Take the average number of days in an annual cycle and divide by the average days between lunar cycles, the result is √153.

Ayin the letterNow it is quite astounding that the Hebrews also have a silent letter called ayin, which means eye, whose cursive form is the fish symbol, and the ancient pictograph happens to resemble the Sanskrit, Egyptian and Mayan zero and is more exactly shaped like a chalice.

But it is meant to look like what the letter represents, an eye.

“The letter ע Ayin (16) is the outcome of the action of the נ Nun (14) through ס Samech (15)…

… If you took a נ Nun, which represents the fish that swims in the waters of life, and you make that נ Nun active, it spins, it goes into motion, it creates a circle, which is ס Samech. So when Nun, the fourteenth Hebrew letter, is put into activity, it activates all the forces of the Ain Soph, the primordial energies of existence, represented by the fifteenth letter,ס Samech. Yet, the direction of that spin is determined by the results of your actions.”


Ayin is a fork in the road, the every day moments where one makes a choice between good or bad action. A Yin and Yang which brings us back to crescents and dots.

The Hindu symbols of Turiya and Maya, discussed earlier, are known as lingam and yoni (phaullus and chalice). Together they are known as lingam or Shiva Linga, the lingam is spescifically the zero represented in a phallic form, it is the form or symbol of the formless Shiva set inside the yoni, the female. Often they are accompanied by bulls.

Each Lingam in the river has a matching carving of Nandi (the Bull carrier of Lord Shiva) facing it.


The lingam is the source of all in Hinduism, “without it, there is nothing”.

Now, check out the work of Cullen Smith @ https://www.patreon.com/LiftingTheVeil

The same symbolism paired with a cow and the meaning of mother of all is found with the Egyptian goddess Hathor.

“Hathor, the Holy Heifer, symbolises the entire heavens including the Sun, the Moon and the stars. She is depicted as a cow, which is a symbol of nurture and life and by extension represents civilisation. Hathor reveals Her origins through Her headdress which consists of a solar disc surrounded by two lunar cow horns…”


Also the concept of formlessness is connected to the same symbolism in Egypt with Thoth (god of writing and wisdom) and the Udjat (Eye of Ra)

““He Who increases His form” or “Crescent” (a reference to the Moon)”

Mar., Dend. II, 31b

Now the mother aspect of zero discussed previously, paired with the imagery of crescent and circle, reflects the sun disc and crescent horns of the Egyptian mother godesses Isis and, originally, of Hathor the cow goddess.

The femanine nature of the Chalice is widely understood. But what is usually overlooked is the masculine side to it. It will be assumed that the reader is familiar with the human reproductive anatomy, so an illustration need not be provided here. The point is that not only the female but also the male reproductive/urinary orophus is a chalice shaped hole.

The Egyptian use of the crescent and dot shaped crown for both female and male deities elucidates this factor. As illustrated by the image of Thoth displayed above and the image of Ra aka Osiris and alternatly his son Horus depicted below.

The Sun God (Ra, Osiris) was also called Aten. The Aten was an aspect (source) of each god, symbolized by the Sun-disc atop their heads, until Akhenaten revolutionized the Egyptian theology with a monotheistic Sun worship.

Creator of seed in women, Thou who makest fluid into man…

…it is he who takes millions of forms from his oneness.

Pritchard, James B., ed., The Ancient Near East – Volume 1: Princeton University Press, 1958, pp. 227-230.

In this belief system Aten was the one true God, whose only representations were abstractions and who could not be anthropomorphically represented in any form including as Osiris. Aten’s symbols, like Ra, other than the Sun-disc and the adition of hands as rays, are the Ank and a dot surounded by a circle;

very much repeating the formlessness of deity we have previously seen elswhere.

Note the subjective translation from the Egyptian word Aten to the English numbers 1 and 10 (A = 1, ten = 10) more one and zero.

Now all this talk of ancient 0/1 symbolism quite reasonably brings our modern binary code to the forefront of mind. Could thier be any symbolism in the field of computing that fits in the framework of this thread of subjective wonderment?

…please wait…


…Please Stand By…



..In/Out… Off/On…


Need I say more?

Earlier we breezed passed the subject of the Golden Ratio aka Phi, 1.618, and now the reader will see how it relates symbolically to zero, one and Nun. 1.618 is called Phi, a Greek letter that just happens…To look like a one in a zero.

The most well known Egyptian hyroglyphs are the eye of Ra and the ankh, which, like the chalice, the Ayin and the lingam, is a symbol of both masculin and gemanine. The word ra, like the Hebrew word ayin, has an equivalent glyph, a horizontal chalice which means mouth, but also looks like an eye.

English accademics usually spelled this with an e (re) rather than an a (Ra), though in Ancient Egyptian there may very well have been no difference in the pronunciation of re vs Ra.


Time to take a good long look at this accademically unorthodox trail of zeros and ones.

And, just to eliminate some of the chaos for the sake of clarity, lets isolate the similar Mayan, Hindu & Egyptian zeros.

What can be surmised from all this? Should we conclude that the similar symbolism for zero is evidence and the result of an ancient connection between these civilizations, or go with the collective unconscious explenation and decide that these symbols all reflect a primal archetype of nothingness? Mainstream accademia would likely refute either explenation, but can it really be chalked up and passed off as simple, random, chance coinsidence? The author assumes no authritative rights to answering these questions, but the many synchronistic events that have taken place in time with the writing of this and other editions of this blog pulls in the direction of a deep and mysterious influence of consciousness, outside the everyday cause and effect norm of classical physics.

Here is an example of the synchronistic events that took place in time with and in relation to this chapter.

As I was writing the part about the lingam. A friend of mine, oblivious to the present content, sent me a message regarding a book by Arthur I miller called “137: Jung Pauli And The Persuit Of A Scientific Obsession“, in a thread where we share the many 153 ~ 137 synchronicities we have in our daily lives.  While viewing the following clip of that conversation keep in mind the relationship of Ayin and Nun being the spin of Nun, like the spin of an electron.

Lucy also brought my attention to the visual homily of the Cheshire cat’s smile and the diagram of an electrons light spectrum found on page 34 of the same book.

And this diagram (also Pg 34) includes the electron itself which is like adding the single eye; like the turyia, shunia or zero.

The waters of chaos are a beutiful metaphor of quantum potentiallity and the arch and dot of Nun are equally relavent symbols of the wave/particle aspect of electrons, demonstrated in the famous double slit experiments. Just as God’s observation separates the waters from the waters in the Biblical creation, so our observation apears to collapse pure potential into individual states of matter.

This same imagery can also be extracted through a view of Alice’s rabit hole paired with the Egyptian constellation of Osiris (Ra), the Sun God, on his barq (ark, arch), wich are our modern Orion and Lepus the rabit.
Now we will get to the depths of 137 eventually, but for now the reader deserves at least the basic information. Already we have discussed the equation of the challice (265÷153=1.73). An anagaram can be seen between the numbers 173 and 137, but there is something of a far more profound and direct link from 137 to the subject of this work. 137 is a nick name for a law of physics, namely, the fine structure constant.It is a fundemental number found deep inside each line in a spectrum. On this number and the subject matter locked in the orbit of its enourmous gravity of meaning, no other quote is regurgitated as prolifically as the famous physicist Richard Feynman’s articulation of its importance. One of the most interesting bits from this quote is, 

“…all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.”

A statement so true that, in fact, all good theoretical physicists, occultists and mystics inevitably quote it in their writings. Here follows Richard Feynmans famous quote. 

There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with the observed coupling constant, e, the amplitude for a real electron to emit or absorb a real photon. It is a simple number that has been experimentally determined to be close to -0.08542455. (My physicist friends won’t recognize this number, because they like to remember it as the inverse of its square: about 137.03597 with about an uncertainty of about 2 in the last decimal place. It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to π or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the “hand of God” wrote that number, and “we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.” We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don’t know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!

Now considering the information covered in the previous chapters of ICHTHYOS and all amazing facts that will eventually be disclosed in the future and the entire body of work together, it is quite providential and aw inspiring to learn that the symbol by which any physicist will recognize this mysterious “Cosmic, or Magic Number” and the simplest form of 137 that is put up on any wall and worried about is the lower case alpha. 

the FISH represents the number for which physicists agree,

  “You might say the “hand of God” wrote that number, and “we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.”

You might say “the “hand of God” drew that symbol“, and “we don’t know how He pushed his pencil”.

ICHTHYOS 2 Manu-Fest The Hands Of Illusion

Chronologically, it seems, the first appearance of the simple form fish symbol came in the oldest confirmed text on record, which has yet to be Rosetta Stoned (translated), called Indu.

Could some of these contain the Story of Manu?

This text is from the Indus River area, on the border of Pakistan and India. This could well be the root of the Hindu culture. One of the script’s most common characters is a fish symbol standing on its tail. Often with side-kick (accent) characters. For example two to four arms, as seen below, or a single chevron over its head etc. Undeciphered text means we don’t know what meaning they used these symbols for, nor have phonetic values been confirmed. There are, however, many proposals like the following.

Vesica God

Here, the meaning of the fish symbol is given as either star or fish. Perhaps two fish would mean star fish, which might bring Pisces (two fish) to mind. The phonetic value here proposed for fish and/or star is “min”. That makes looking at the word for seven fish, or seven stars, “Elumin” very interesting, as it raises, to the English thinking mind, the word illuminate; the very nature of stars. And seven, we will see, freaquently apears in fish tales, usually as a precurser to the number eight.

In one of the very first fish stories in history, the, Hindu protagonist’s title is Manu and mankind is rescued by Matsya, a fish. These glyphs may very well have common roots with that story.

Another translation sees “God” in a Chalice formed by two chalices, which are interpreted as bracelets.


But again these are from just one of 100+ proposed translations.

If and when the Indu language is credibly deciphered, this chapter will have to be updated. For now, let me answer the question, “what is the story of Manu?”!

Manu is used in the hindu scriptures as a title for prophets or leaders designated by God. And the Sanskrit word for man is manava, which is derived directly from Manu. The most well known Manu is the current Manu who was saved with seven other men (“sages”), from the great flood, in a boat, dragged by a rope, tied to a horn on the brow of Matsya, the first and fish avatar of Vishnu!

Although the version with one Manu and “seven sages” (eight men) is the most commonly known, some versions of the story do mention the family of Manu being saved also. There are also versions where Manu is the sole survivor. It is very interesting though, that the most common Hindu flood story has in common with the biblical flood story, the number of eight survivors.

Here is my own poetic version of the Matsya Purana.

Manu’s is the story of Matsya, the first avatar of Vishnu.

Manu is to Hindu
Noah Is to Hebrew

A chosen holy man who

Cleansing himself in the river Indu


a carp fish took Manu’s hands as refuge

And pleaded, “save me from the beasts of the indu”.

So he placed the creature in a jar, but it grew.

Matsya cried as he filled the jar through,

“Please save me now, from a fate served by you.”

Again & again, Manu saved the fish avatar of Vishnu

As successively larger vessels, Matsya outgrew.

From jar to jug, then bucket, next tub,

even the Indu river, this once tiny fishling buldged right through.

Finaly the Ocean Matsya filled too!

Something about filling an Ocean struck, Manu finaly knew.

The destroyer God of the Hindu,

Was there disguised as a fish who,

In return for his kindness granted Manu a boon.

He said, “Build an ark for an 8 man crew.

The two went on to save me and you,

From the great flood known as the deluge.

Manu tied the craft to a horn
which Matsya’s forehead grew.

To a Mountain of dry land Matsya towed the ark, where either he, one alone, or the eight began anew.

Not before recovering the Vedas too


From a demon in the depths of the Ocean blue.

All thanks to Manu.

imageManu + Fish, sounds like… Manifest, the latin for which is manufestus.

The following subjective relationship, like Christopher Columbus and the title ‘Indian’, connects the eastern Indian to the western Indian. More specifically, the relationship at hand is Hindu to Mayan.

Ever since the 2012 hoaxe, perpetrated by mass media (espescially Hollywood, which means magic wand) the Mayan Calandar has become infamous. Take a close look at the two round objects on either side of the central figure.

Tell me those don’t look like both fish, and hands.

With the phonetic value of “itsak”, wp-1465801473393.gifthe Mayan Fish in Hand Hieroglyph means to manifest or conjure up.

Specifically to, “conjure an image” The hand is the intelligence responsible, the cause, while the fish is the conjured image or effect. For the average western mind, most likely, the image conjured by this image, is an image of Jesus manifestation of fish and bread for five thousand people.

Is it meaningless that fish symbol numbers 153, 8 & 17 make an appearance in the reference numbers for  Strong’s Greek concordance words that translate to manifest?

G5318. paneros- To make Visible.
G5319. phaneroó – Make visible or clear.
G1717. emphanés – Manifest.
G5316. phainó- Bring to light, cause to appear.
G5321. phanerósis- Manifestation
Neuroses? Interesting.

So we have Matsya and Manu, a Mayan Hieroglyph and the Story of Jesus, with several meaningful, phonetic and symbolic connections, nodes if you will. The first connection is fish, obviously, and without the second connection (manifest) it would mean little. The third is the hand references which only apply directly to the Mayan and Hindu nodes. The imagery of Jesus with fish in hand is easily brought to mind, with several of his  manifestation stories; as demonstrated by this illustration.


Though he may have the whole world in his hands, the hands of Jesus Christ are never mentioned in the texts of these fish specific events.

Let’s return to ‘manifest’ and see how the objective and subjective break downs of the word manifest will uncover more connections and perhaps bring us round to understanding how Jesus fits in along the way.

One may be surprised to find an objective connection of the English ‘man’ to the Hindu Manu, as the etymology suggests that the English word “man” most likely came from the Hindu word “manu”. In fact both words, ‘manu’ and ‘man’, mean hand and man in latin. Also meaning hand in Latin is the word “mani”, along with the word “handus”, which reflects the title, “Hindus”. The Gothic word for man is “mannha”.

Manna as in the Hebrew bread, manifested from heaven. Recall that along with fish, Jesus also manifested loaves of bread. The Latin word “festus” can mean feast, sieze or strike. “Festus, taken as feast, would make “manna fest” a bread festival and manufestus becomes a man festival, a feast of men. Which brings rise to the canabalistic nature of the Christian tradition of communion. Apearently, whether literally or allegorically, Jesus would have you devour him.

John 6: 48 I am that bread of life. 49 Your fathers did eat manna

It is well known that Jesus is equated with logos (word), “The Living Word of God”. It is most likely that the meaning behind devouring the Word of God is to learn truth or ingest knowledge.

Now we have a new connection which reaches into every node yet articulated, namely the written word. The fish in hand glyph, the Vedas recovered by Matsya, Jesus, The Word of God and manna from heaven are all information, words; even the Mayan prophesy of salvation that actually spelled out their annihilation was a written word.

Matsya had to dive into the dark abyss to recover the Hindu sacred text. The raising of the Vedas from the depths is akin to Jesus (God’s Word) resurrecting from the pit of Hell, Just as a fish manifested in the hand is raised from the void. The reading of knowledge is the raising of unconscious information to consciousness, making the unknown known.

The most direct route to finding the word manu relating to Jesus, God, Manifest and mankind is in the English transliteration of the Hebrew title for the messiah, Immanuel. How convenient that the subjective meaning, associated via its phonetic value heard in English,

I’m Manu El,

Is essentially the same as the objective meaning of Emmanuel.

Emmanuel masc. personal name, from Greek form of Hebrew ‘Immanu’el, literally “God is with us,” from ‘immanu “with us,” from ‘im “with,” + first person plural pronomial suffix (us), + El “God.”

So im = with and El = God, which leaves manu to mean us, man. Just as the Etymology of “man” starts with “manu”. Rather than “God with us”, Immanuel could be translated as God manifest. like Vishnu (a god) and Matsya (his presence with man as a fish), so God (El) is Jesus the fish with or as man. Quite accurately, Matsya could be titled “god with manu”.

The message of oneness seems to creep through subjectively by the Hebrew word “immanu”. I’m Manu, he is Manu, he is man. The progenitor of mankind is God and God is mankind itself ie ‘I’m Manu, (signed) El’ or even I’m man U El (I am man, I am you, I am El).

The objective etymology of ‘manifest’ is like to “conjure an image” where it is defined as “to show plainly” and also takes us back to hands.

manifest (v.)
late 14c., “to spread” (one’s fame), “to show plainly,” from manifest (adj.) or else from L. manifestare “to discover, disclose, betray” (see manifest (adj.)). Meaning “to display by actions” is from 1560s; reflective sense, of diseases, etc., “to reveal as in operation” is from 1808. Related: Manifested; manifesting.
manifest (n.)
ship’s cargo,” 1706; see manifest (adj.). Earlier, “a public declaration” (c.1600; cf. manifesto), from Fr. manifeste, verbal noun from manifester. Earlier still in English as “a manifestation” (1560s).

In the Matsya Purana, Manu is the manifest, as in ships cargo.

Now some details from another source as we breakdown the word further. This time from http://www.word.info.info

Originally, “that which can be seized by the hand”: compounded of Latin manus, “hand” and -festus, “seize, capble of being seized”.

It was the Spanish hand (manus), that came across the water to sieze the Mayan indians! This was only possible because the Maya held a prophecy of a white bearded man (aka Plumed Serpant) who would be their savior. And white bearded men is what the spanish were, though save the Maya, they did not.

Between the English word manifest, the spanish and latin word manu(s), the Mayan fish in hand in the manifest hieroglyph and the Hindu Myth of Vishnu (God) manifest to Manu, and the Hebrew “manu” meaning us, topped off with Mayans being struck down by Spanish manus (hands) there is incredible alignment.

And then we find this in Egypt.


Recall, “Capable of Being Siezed”… Like the Maya were by the Spanish, and the Mayan glyph being a hand gripping a fish. The meaning of “seized” is like to binding, as it means being seized. So we see the word manu in Egypt alligning with Matsya tied to the boat of Manu.

The over all meaning of manifest is making a thing out of a thought, to make actual or tangible, materialize, to make one of none, as if by magic or an unknown science.

Interestingly enough, ‘man’ and ‘manu’ bear synonymous meaning to the word manifest in Egyptian.


And a fishlike symbol is used as a magical amulet.


Slightly tangent is a name with the exact same phonetic value ‘manu’ in the Egyptian glyphs,

“MANU. . The mythical mountain on which the sun set. The region of the western horizon. One of two mountains that held up the sky, the other being BAKHU. These peaks were guarded by the double lion god, AKER”


Note: Manu is pulled to a mountain to the North, where he follows the receding waters down its slopes.
The lions will be addressed later with Sybil and Aeon.

The place where the Sun sets is the daily fate of the Sun, where the Sun is siezed by its fate. The Great Manu is also the name of the Chaldean god of fate. Unfortunately very little information is available on “The Great Manu”.

The “fest” portion of the English word manifest is from the Greek “festus,” to strike. Like so many of the cues for mirraculous events, at the moment of manifestation,where a magician often strikes an object to signify that moment of magic. A practice that goes all the way back to moses and Aaron with the rod or staff, striking the object of the comming manifestation; and beyond. This striking reference will come up again with pitch, in the resurrection of the Fish.

Conjure is an interesting word in its references to binding. It brings back to mind the birthplace of the chalice, where the two parent circles are conjoined.

late 13c., “command on oath,” from O.Fr. conjurer “invoke, conjure” (12c.), from L. conjurare “to swear together; conspire,” from com- “together” (see com-) + jurare “to swear” (see jury (n.)). Magical sense is c.1300, for “constraining by spell” a demon to do one’s bidding. Related: Conjured; conjuring. Phraseconjure up “cause to appear in the mind” (as if by magic) attested from 1580s.

Conjure then is to conspire to constrain the mind.
A conspiracy to restrict the thinking of a target’s subconscious focus on a desired image or idea.

If you have studied the subject of sovereign vs subject, you know that your birth certificate has everything to do with a ships cargo (manufest). Although that subject is worthy of a whole series of blogs on its own.
Now we are speaking of magic, holograms, mind tricks, mentalism, hypnosis and illusion.

This brings us to one last node of The Mayans And Hindus.

It turns out that “maya” is a Sanskrit word for a Hindu concept. The illusion that we are separated. The Mayans fell for Maya (illusion) based on prior beliefs.

In the ancient Sumerian Language, “manu” means either “who” or “to count”. Now we come to the end of this edition and the begining of the next, the strange connections of the history and roots of numeric sytems. This, of course, begins at zero, begins with none. More appropriately, from this fishy perspective…





tree (n.)
Old English treo, treow “tree” (also “timber, wood, beam, log, stake”), from Proto-Germanic *treuwaz- (cognates: Old Frisian tre, Old Saxontrio, Old Norse tre, Gothic triu “tree”), from PIE*drew-o-, from *deru- “oak” (cognates: Sanskrit dru “tree, wood,” daru “wood, log;” Greek drys”oak,” drymos “copse, thicket,” doru “beam, shaft of a spear;” Old Church Slavonic drievo “tree, wood;” Serbian drvo “tree,” drva “wood;” Russian drevo “tree, wood;” Czech drva; Polish drwa”wood;” Lithuanian derva “pine, wood;” Old Irish daur, Welsh derwen “oak,” Albanian drusk “oak“). This is from PIE *drew-o-, a suffixed form of the root *deru- “to be firm, solid, steadfast” (see true), with specialized sense “wood, tree” and derivatives referring to objects made of wood.

The widespread use of words originally meaning “oak” in the sense “tree” probably reflects the importance of the oak to ancient Indo-Europeans. … For Dutch boom, German Baum, the usual words for “tree,” see beam (n.). Meaning “framework of a saddle” is from 1530s…”

Saddle, another reference to equine. Save it, but note what sits in the saddle, for the hind quarters will soon be shown as relevant.

Ok, first saw ‘blow’ and ‘blast’, now ‘baum’ and ‘boom’?! This warrants further investigation.

The words ‘bomb’ and ‘explosive’, and their relatives yield nothing to go on. This leaves us with the highly unlikely and hardley heard of ‘petard’.

petard (n.)
1590s, “small bomb used to blow in doors and breach walls,” from French pétard (late 16c.), from Middle French péter “break wind,” from Old French pet “a fart,” from Latin peditum, noun use of neuter past participle of pedere “to break wind,” from PIE root *pezd- “to fart” (see feisty). Surviving in phrase hoist with one’s own petard(or some variant) “blown up with one’s own bomb,” which is ultimately from Shakespeare (1605):

For tis the sport to haue the enginer Hoist with his owne petar (“Hamlet” III.iv.207).”

Blown up with ones own bomb in 1605?

Remember, remember, the 5th of November? Guy Fawkes ring a bell? That is the guy who nearly martyred himself trying to bomb parliament with barrels of gun powder, in the basement, right under the king’s throne. Reiterating, the man had set explosives to detonate under the ass of the king. That may seem slightly tangent now, but wait till we get to the alpha and omega! To further solidify the connection here, it should be noted that the subject of “Hamlet”, Act 3, Scene 4 is largely the killing of a King.

Line 207 is at time Mark 10:37
The 137 is by coincidence of course.This writer did not purposefully choose this video for the timing, but for the fact that it was the first video where the line was recognized.

Speaking of martyrs blown up by their own bombs should also remind us of a more current and touchy subject. Jihad. But what does a tree, bladder and fish have to do with terrorism in a holy war? This to will be set aside for later.

Now, ‘petard’ as flatulence.
True, the content of this research is, again getting really trashy, but what can be done when simply following the lead of facts into the sewer of etymology?

May as well have a laugh along the way. After all this vulgar, tragic comedy has surfaced with Shakespeare, a man who’s name alone rings vulgar bells of phallic resonance.

Speaking of subjectively phallic names, also phonetically related petard (petar as Shakespeare would have it), Peter, the son of Jonah or John, is now of interest again.

As John (Johnson-peter-phallus) Michel stated earlier, in the story of Jesus walking on water, the only disciple to walk with him there was Peter (Matthew 14:22-33), who literally fished a shekel to pay the temple tax for himself and Jesus (Matthew 17:24-27). Of course, more on this later.

In the Gospel of John, like a Good Shepard, Peter was the one to drag 153 miraculous fish, in a net, to dry land. This story takes place in the last chapter (21 & 2+1=3) of John (the third book of the New Testament). It is the third and final time Jesus appears to his disciples. Immediately after the 153 fish, Peter becomes dismayed upon the third and final time in a run that Jesus asks him if he loves him. Jesus prophecy that Peter would deny him three times before the cock crows was fulfilled, again emphasis on the last of three. Remember Jesus is said to have died at 33 and the stone (Peter) was rolled away on the third and final day of Jesus death experience.

In John 21, Peter is the co-star of the entire chapter, and the very end is very interesting.

Another man named Peter happened to be born 100 years after Guy Fawkes’ failed petard (bombing) and drowned 30 years later in 1730 aka 173. This Peter is widely considered to be the spear head of the field of Ichthyology as quoted from History of Ichthyology

by Frank Magallanes, OPEFE

“A Swede by the name of Peter Artedi (1705-1735) surfaced from the University of Uppsala, Sweden. His earliest investigation were more important than others before him. There are those who consider him the father of ichthyology. In 1728 Karl (Latinized as Carolus) Linnaeus visited this university. Linneaus inquired as to who was engaged in the study of natural history and he was then referred to Artedi. That is how they met and became friends. Each helping the other not only in personal money needs but even making an agreement that the survivor would publish the works of the one deceased. Artedi drowned in 1735 in Holland. Linnaeus true to his word published Artedi Ichthyologia in 1738.”
PS the name if that HTML file is TAXON

While reading this next paragraph, recall John Michel giving the number of the name Simon Peter as 1925 and making this the diameter of the first circle in his diagram.


In 1925 an artist named Peter Christian Breue erected a statue of a Vesica resonating Greek goddess and her son titled,


Venus und Amor
Venus and Love (Cupid) in a Vesica shaped park called Griechischeallee (Greek Alee) Park. Venus appears to be examining Cupid, or strangling him, as she has her hands around his throat; or, shall we say, his gullet. Cupids arrow lies uselessly at the base, between the gods of love. When compared in size to Cupid, the arrow looks more the size of a spear. Stains run down all sides of the monument, most noticeably along the bare bottom of Venus. Not a result of rain alone but of bird droppings left to drip only part-way to the ground. Having dried in the sun gods rays.

Now, lets look at a few translations of the term Vesica Pisces.
Two words in Hebrew ‘dag’ and ‘nun’, which is also a single letter, mean fish and ‘merorah’ means bladder.
So the Hebrew term would either be ‘dag merorah’ or ‘nun merorah’.

The Egyptian’s used a horizontal Vesica for a hieroglyph. It meant both ‘Ra’, aka Osiris (Sun god) and ‘re’, meaing mouth. The Egyptian words for bladder and fish were ‘an‘, fish and ‘as‘, bladdeb. The phrase would be rendered as ‘an as’ or as ‘as an’. These compressed give us – an assu or anas.

Note that Osiris was born on the 17th day of Athyr (Hathor- Mother goddess/Isis as a cow) and ‘annus’ means ‘year’ in Greek. So it can be said that Osiris was born on 3/17 or as it goes in Oz (Australia), 17/3 of the ‘annus’. Also Annas, was the first authority that Jesus was brought to, subsequent to his arrest.

Continuing with yet another anal reference; the next term to cover, which was alluded to above, rings of the infamous phrase “kiss my ass”.

Now, considering the influence that Greek has had on the western names of geometric shapes, one would think a Greek name would be more appropriate. So it would seem as though the Greek term “Kystis Ichthys“ was purposely avoided for whatever reason. For sure it is a term that has been completely left out of the story. Other than that, for now, the rest is left at a guess… Say poetic quality.

The Arabic word for bladder is either ‘mathaana’ or ‘buthoor’, and fish in Arabic is ‘samak’.

In an Arabic alternative etymology to the word ‘bladder’ we find that a root meaning of ‘buthoor‘ is ‘anus‘;

‘blister, pimple in Old English’ from Arabic buthoor ‘blisters’ via lexical shift, turning/th/into/d/, and /F-insertion, baDhar ‘clitoris’… or dubur ‘anus, back’…”

This means that the arbic term for bladder of fish may also be trenslated as anusfish- or ass-fish.

Strangely enough the Arabic etymology of ‘colon‘ says it is “from Arabic khurraan ‘large intestine, arse’, and the English etymology states that the Greek ‘kolon’ is of unknown origin. So this arrabic root ‘khurraan’ is the only explanation we have.That is strikingly similar to Quran or Koran! Does ‘Koran’ actually mean colon or ass?



Clearly the etymology of the words related to ‘butt’ have now become more than relavent, in fact unavoidable. As it turns out the word ‘butt’ reflects the other content in this work about as much as the rest has referred to it. There are more anal connections here than anything else. Hopefully the reader endures as the writer has had to. It is not desirable for readers to be chafed away, but the fact is that things are about to get extremely raunchy.

‘Ass’ renders nothing of interest, but it should be noted, for future reference that one meaning of ‘ass’ is donkey. ‘Ass’ was developed from ‘arse’, which will begin the end of our etymological stroll through the gutter.

arse (n.)
“buttocks,” Old English ærs “tail, rump,” from Proto-Germanic *arsoz (cognates:… Middle Dutch ærs, German Arsch “buttock”), from PIE root *ors-“buttock, backside” (cognates: Greek orros “tail, rump, base of the spine,” Hittite arrash, Armenian or “buttock,” Old Irish err “tail“). Middle English had arse-winning “money obtained by prostitution” (late 14c.)

The Hittite ‘arrash’ is contextually humorous as it manifest ‘a rash’ in the ‘arse’.

arsehole (n.)
c. 1400, arce-hoole; see arse + hole (n.). In Old English, Latin anus was glossed with earsðerl, literally “arse-thrill.”

The words prostitution and ‘arse-thrill’, coming so closely together with ‘buthoor’, practically obligate the writer to inform the reader that when read aloud by several text to speech programs -which the author makes frequent use of-, the word ‘buthoor’ is read phonetically as ‘butt whore’!

Moving on…

culottes (n.)
“a divided skirt,” 1911, from French culotte”breeches” (16c.), a diminutive of cul “bottom, backside, backside, anus,” from Latin culus”bottom, fundament.”… Por le cul dieu “By God’s arse” was an Old French oath.

‘Divided skirt’ rings of a torn veil or the pulling back of the curtain. Again the power of sight.


What else should we expect to see at the checking of this box on our Todo list, but the backside of God/Oz?

The word evolve will surface via routes other than its etymological cognate to vulva later, but keep evolution in mind, add to it that French oath, ‘By the ass of God’ and recall ‘petard’; all from the etymological study of names for the Chalice, the source of everything (big bang), how could one not be driven to the following imagery and all inclusive theory of everything?

God’s buttocks spoke (petarded) the big bang and it was.


The universe is but(t) a Holy Shart!

anus (n.)
“inferior opening of the alimentary canal,” 1650s, from Old French anus, from Latin anus “ring, anus,” from PIE root *ano- “ring.” So called for its shape; compare Greek daktylios “anus,” literally “ring (for the finger),” from daktylos “finger.”

annulus (n.) 1560s, medical, from misspelling of Latin anulus “little ring, finger ring,” a diminutive of anus…

This rings of wedding rings, of which there are two. Rings are circles and thus, through the binding of marriage, arises another, intersection of two circles aka Vesica Pisces.

Naturally the word ‘anal’ would follow anus, and although nothing the reader doesn’t already know can be gained from the etymology, it is worth mentioning the use of anal as a verb, meaning to engage in sodomy. Particularly in the present, when the attempt by gays is being made to nullify DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) in the US and legitimize their engagements around the world.

Interestingly enough, the constitutional appointment of the powers of creating law, may well be the annulment of recent marriage certificates in the US.

The waters here will get extremely ruff on the “PC”, and the author means no offence in allowing the following content to surface naturally or etymologically.

The pride flag, most will know, is a rainbow flag, and has played a prominent role in the effort for equal “rights” in marriage. Along the way the term “gay flag” has been flailing about the social scene
as much as the thing itself. Due to its derogatory nature, the term “fag flag” has been used in attacks against the movement. So note the etymological relationship of these two words, and how they bring us right back round to multiple topics covered above.

fag (v.1)
“to droop, decline in strength, become weary” (intransitive), 1520s, of uncertain origin;… OED is content with the “common view” that it is an alteration of flag (v.) in its sense of “droop, go limp.” Transitive sense of “to make (someone or something) fatigued, tire by labor” is first attested 1826. Related: Fagged; fagging.

“fag (n.1)
British slang for “cigarette” (originally, especially, the butt of a smoked cigarette), 1888, probably from fag “loose piece, last remnant of cloth” (late 14c., as in fag-end “extreme end, loose piece,” 1610s)

fag (v.2)
“put to work at certain duties, compel to work for one’s benefit,” 1806, from British public school slang fag (n.) “junior student who does certain duties for a senior” (1785), from fag (v.1). Related: Fagdom (1902); faggery “fatiguing labor” (1853).

faggot (n.1)
late 13c., “bundle of twigs bound up,” also fagald,faggald, from Old French fagot “bundle of sticks” (13c.), of uncertain origin, probably from Italian faggotto “bundle of sticks,” diminutive of Vulgar Latin *facus, from Latin fascis “bundle of wood” (see fasces).

Especially used for burning heretics (emblematic of this from 1550s), so that phrase fire and faggot was used to indicate “punishment of a heretic.” Heretics who recanted were required to wear an embroidered figure of a faggot on the sleeve as an emblem and reminder of what they deserved.faggot (n.2)
“male homosexual,” 1914, American English slang, probably from earlier contemptuous term for “woman” (1590s), especially an old and unpleasant one, in reference to faggot (n.1) “bundle of sticks,” as something awkward that has to be carried (compare baggage “worthless woman,” 1590s). It may also be reinforced by Yiddish faygele “homosexual” (n.), literally “little bird.” It also may have roots in British public school slang noun fag “a junior who does certain duties for a senior” (1785), with suggestions of “catamite,” from fag (v.). This also spun off a verb (see fag (v.2).

He [the prefect] used to fag me to blow the chapel organ for him. [“Boy’s Own Paper,” 1889]

Other obsolete British senses of faggot were “man hired into military service merely to fill out the ranks at muster” (1700) and “vote manufactured for party purposes” (1817).

The explanation that male homosexuals were called faggots because they were burned at the stake as punishment is an etymological urban legend. Burning sometimes was a punishment meted out to homosexuals in Christian Europe (on the suggestion of the Biblical fate of Sodom and Gomorrah), but in England, where parliament had made homosexuality a capital offense in 1533, hanging was the method prescribed. Use of faggot in connection with public executions had long been obscure English historical trivia by the time the word began to be used for “male homosexual” in 20th century American slang, whereas the contemptuous slang word for “woman” (in common with the other possible sources or influences listed here) was in active use early 20c., by D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce, among others.”

fasces (n.)
1590s, from Latin fasces “bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade projecting” (plural of fascis “bundle” of wood, etc.), from Proto-Italic *faski- “bundle,” perhaps from PIE*bhasko- “band, bundle” (cognates: Middle Irishbasc “neckband,” Welsh baich “load, burden,” perhaps also Old English bæst “inner bark of the linden tree”). Carried before a lictor, a superior Roman magistrate, as a symbol of power over life and limb: the sticks symbolized punishment by whipping, the axe-head execution by beheading. Hence in Latin it also meant, figuratively, “high office, supreme power.”

fagoting (n.)
in embroidery, 1885, from faggot (n.1) “bundle.” So called from the threads tied together in the middle.

Once again the concwpt of a net is reflected as these etymologies are collected into a ‘faggot‘.

“fagus (n.)
botanical genus of beech trees, from Latin fagus”beech,” from PIE root *bhagos “beech tree” (cognates: Greek phegos “oak,” Latin fagus”beech,” Russian buzina “elder,” Old English bece, Old Norse bok, German Buche “beech”), perhaps with a ground sense of “edible” (and connected with the root of Greek phagein “to eat;” see -phagous). Beech mast was an ancient food source for agricultural animals across a wide stretch of Europe.

The restriction to western IE languages and the reference to different trees have suggested to some scholars that this word was not PIE, but a later loanword. In the Balkans, from which the beech started to spread after 6000 BC, the [Greek] word means ‘oak,’ not ‘beech.’ Yet ‘oak‘ and ‘beech’ are both ‘fruit-bearing trees,’ so that a semantic shift from ‘oak’ to ‘beech’ appears quite conceivable. The word itself may then have been PIE after all. [de Vaan]

The word ‘flag’ was touched on earlier in the sense of drooping for its relationship of meaning to ‘nether’ (downward) and its visual apearence in the Egyptian hieroglyph for ‘neter’ (god). It has now manifested again in relating to ‘fag’, so we will look more into its etymologies.

“flag (n.1)
“cloth ensign,” late 15c….
of unknown origin, but likely connected to flag (v.1)”

flag (n.2)
“flat stone for paving,” c. 1600… Earlier in English as “piece cut from turf or sod” (mid-15c.), from Old Norse flag “spot where a piece of turf has been cut out,”…”

This “piece cut from turf” reflects a portion of the root of gall (n2)”‘oak-gall’, a bare spot in a field”.

Now we come to an entire sphere of barren land, the farthest man has ever traveled to erect a flag.

Other than the word ‘luna’ being ‘anul’ backwards, the moon is subjectively connected to the bare ass by the taunting of others via literally showing ones ass being called mooning. This brings us to ‘annular’.


Annular solar eclipse at AustraliaTwitter/@zadhli
“annular (adj.)
“ring-shaped,” 1570s… An annular eclipse (1727) is one in which the dark body of the moon is smaller than the disk of the sun, so that at the height of it the sun appears as a ring of light…”

butt (n.1)
“thick end,” c. 1400, butte, which probably is related to Middle Dutch and Dutch bot, Low German butt “blunt, dull,” Old Norse bauta (see beat (v.)). Or related somehow to Old English buttuc “end, small piece of land,” and Old Norse butr “short.” In sense of “human posterior” it is recorded from mid-15c. Meaning “remainder of a smoked cigarette” first recorded 1847.butt (v.)
“hit with the head,” c. 1200, from Anglo-French buter, from Old French boter “to push, shove, knock; to thrust against,” from Frankish or another Germanic source (compare Old Norsebauta, Low German boten “to strike, beat”), from Proto-Germanic *butan, from PIE root *bhau- “to strike” (see batter (v.)). Related: Butted; butting. To butt in “rudely intrude” is American English, attested from 1900.

butt (n.2)
“liquor barrel,” late 14c., from Anglo-French but and Old French bot “barrel, wineskin” (14c., Modern French botte), from Late Latin buttis”cask” (see bottle (n.)). Cognate with Spanish and Portuguese bota, Italian botte. Usually a cask holding 108 to 140 gallons, or roughly two hogsheads, but the measure varied greatly.

butt (n.3)
target of a joke,” 1610s, originally “target for shooting practice” (mid-14c.), from Old Frenchbut “aim, goal, end, target (of an arrow, etc.),” 13c., which seems to be a fusion of Old French words for “end” (bout) and “aim, goal” (but), both ultimately from Germanic. The latter is from Frankish *but “stump, stock, block,” or some other Germanic source (compare Old Norse butr”log of wood“), which would connect it with butt(n.1).

butt (n.4)
“flat fish,” c. 1300, a general Germanic name applied to various kinds of flat fishes; compare Old Swedish but “flatfish,” German Butte, Dutch bot, perhaps ultimately related to butt (n.1). “Hence butt-woman, who sells these, a fish-wife.” [OED]

We have now arived at fish via the flattfish aka buttfish, and a cod is aka an assfish!

The only difference between the Chalice and the symbol of a fish is the the tail. The first image germinated from the Chalice is the fish, simply by sprouting a tail from its bottom.




The word Vesica being Latin, it only shows up in English etymology as the root of a few English words.

vesicant (n.)
“A blistering agent”… from vesica “a bladder, a blister” (see ventral).

vesicle (n.)
“small, bladder-like structure”… diminutive of vesica “bladder, blister” (see ventral).

vesicular (adj.)
… diminutive of vesica “bladder” (see ventral).

All three words above refer us to the word ventral, which also has Vesica as a root.

ventral (adj.)
1739… “of or pertaining to the belly or stomach,” from Latin venter (genitive ventris) “belly, paunch; stomach, appetite; womb, unborn child,” from PIE *wend-tri- (cognates: Latin vesica”bladder,” Sanskrit vastih [vasti means crazy in Samoan] “bladder,” Old High German wanast, German wanst “paunch, belly”), perhaps from root *udero- “abdomen, womb, stomach” (see uterus).

The meaning ‘bladder’ makes Vesica synonymous with quite a few English words, including cyst.

cyst (n.)
1713, from Modern Latin cystis… from Greek kystis“bladder, pouch.”

So on to bladder.

bladder (n.)
Old English blædre…”(urinary) bladder,” also “blister, pimple,” from Proto-Germ *blaedron… from PIE *bhle- “to blow” (see blast)… from animal bladders used for buoyancy…

A bladder is often called a gall bladder or gall and gall means bile which is what you find in a bladder. That is, urine before it is expelled. The destinction is nessisary as there are others. Such as the swim or air blatter of the fish, as mentioned above, which is used for buoyancy. Although the title Vesica Pisces is more directly related to the urinary bladder of a fish, as the gall bladder of fish is the only known bladder to be shaped like a Vesica Pisces.

That the 153 fish story takes place at the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Peter being one of the fisherman in it, along with the story of Jesus calling Peter and his brother from the same sea, is quite the coincidence. First of all, because gal can mean bile, thus rendering a see of bile. Second is that the root of Galilee is ‘galal’, meaning roll away. It is is well known, that the Greek name Peter means rock or stone.

Tangent note;
What is not recognized is the placement of Jesus naming “Simon Bar Jonah” as ‘Peter’ in Mathew 16:18 (Phi), and stating “upon this rock I will build my church. In other words, the founding of the Papacy and the Entire Christian Church is stamped with the mark of nature, the spiral of existence if you will.

When Peter, the stone, is in the sea of Galilee, one can extract two meanings. One is a gal stone. The other, prophetic to the resurrection, is a stone rolled away. Goliath comes into play also, as he was killed by a stone between the eyes, directing us again to the penial gland. The origin of his name is ‘gallah’, which means uncover, like a stone rolled away from a tomb and as in the uncovered face of Tobis or the uncovering of the film over his eyes. The Hebrew language also has the word (Strong’s H1553) ‘Geliloth’, a clear reference to the Chalice in meaning circles. Now, a look at the etymology of gall.

gall (n.1)
“bile, liver secretion,” Old English galla…”gall, bile,” from Proto-Germ *gallon “bile”… from PIE root *ghel-(2) “to shine“… referring to bright materials and gold…(see glass)…sense of “impudence, boldness”… meaning “embittered spirit, rancor”… from… theory of humors.

“gall (n.2)
“sore on skin caused by rubbing or chafing,” O.E. gealla “painful swelling, sore spot on a horse“… from Latin galla “gall, lump on plant,” originally “oak-gall”… Meaning “bare spot in a field“…”

“gall (n.3)
“excrescence on a plant caused by the deposit of insect eggs,” especially on an oak leaf… from Latin galla “oak-gall”… harvested for use in medicines, inks, dyes.”

“gall (v.)
“to make sore by chafing”… “to have sores, be sore”… Sense of “harass, vex, irritate, chafe the spirit of”…”

Now, why would such a sacred symbol’s name, by popular reference, become, 1 such a disgusting thing, and 2 something most have never seen and could not identify if they did and 3 combine the grotesque with shine and gold?

It’s not as if their are no other manifestations of this shape in nature. The orifices of the body have already been mentioned above. Although there are many more.

Above were a few etymological references to plants and oak, conjuring trees. Knots on tree trunks are often developed in the image of the Vesica.


Interestingly enough, tree trunks also find their way into the etymological branches of ‘Vesica’, via several different roots.
1. From the etymology of the word bladder we are prompted to view the word blast.
2. The word bladder has the root meanings of blister,
3. and blow.
4. One of the meanings of ventral is belly.
These four words (blast, blister, blow and belly) all direct the reader to see the word ‘bole’.
It is here, in the roots of the word ‘bole’, where we find the meaning ‘tree trunk’, and quite a bit more.

“bole (n.)
…from Old Norse bolr “tree trunk,” from Proto-Germanic *bulas… from PIE *bhel- (2) “to blow, inflate, swell” (cognates: Greek phyllon “leaf,” phallos “swollen penis;” Latin flos “flower,”florere “to blossom, flourish,” folium “leaf;” Old Prussian balsinis “cushion;” Old Norse belgr “bag, bellows;” Old English bolla “pot, cup, bowl;” Old Irish bolgaim “I swell,” blath “blossom, flower,” bolach “pimple,” bolg “bag;” Breton bolc’h “flax pod;” Serbian buljiti “to stare, be bug-eyed;” Serbo-Croatian blazina “pillow”).”

Yet again, there is much etymological content that could potentially inspire the blowing of chunks. The most prolific meaning in ‘bole’ is the concept of growth and it brings us back to an important quality of ‘Vesica’. That is in it being the geometrical building block of all things.

The verb ‘cushion’ is of interest to note, as it dates back to 1730 and may refer again to the back-side.

The Serbian word ‘blujiti’, meaning stare or be bug-eyed stands out from this etymology. That is interesting on its own as the etymology of the verb ‘stare’ includes, “Old High German storren “to stand out…””
Simultaneously, within the context of the story of Tobias (11:11), the noun’s etymology is much more interesting.

“stare (n.1)
late 14c., “power of sight,” from stare (v.). From c. 1700 as “a fixed gaze.”

The Vesica often appears in a certain spiritual form of art called the mandalla, which comes to mind when reading about the Greek word for almond.

Mandorla, ‘almond’.

almond (n.)
c. 1300, from Old French almande, amande, from Vulgar Latin *amendla, *amandula, from Latin amygdala (plural), from Greek amygdalos “an almond tree… influence of amandus “loveable,”… excrescent -l- perhaps from Spanish almendra “almond”… via confusion with the Arabic definite article al-… Applied to eyes shaped like almonds…”

Amygdala is of specific interest because it is an important part of the brain, and is directly related to the following path of relationships;
gall – horse – hippocampus – pineal – pine – tree – bole – bladder(…bole – blister – bladder.)


The pineal gland sits in the center of the vertebrate brain. From an evolutionary perspective the most important exception is the hagfish. The pineal gland is the only part of the brain that does not have a twin. That is, it is not a pair of grey matter organs mirrored on opposite sides of the brain, but a cingular center around which the rest of the brain grows. The shape of the gland has it also commonly associated with the Vesica Pisces and other names for the pineal gland are third eye and third ventricle.

This organ is connected to the hippocampus and amygdala, which both spiral out around it. As if they sprout as trees, from the pineal as their seed.

Two trees sprouting from a single pine seed would be twin pines. Keep that thought in mind, in the back, for the future.

The hippocampus is named after the seahorse for its appearance. The word comes from the name of the, half fish (or dolphin) and half horse, equine that pull Poseidon’s chariot.

Those half dolphin, half horse creatures, called ‘hypocampus’, lead briefly away from ‘mandorla’; raising the opportunity to quickly, yet completely, cover the word ‘Delphos’. One of the seemingly most appropriate, yet least common words used as a title for the Vesica Pisces. ‘Delphos’ translates from Greek as both “womb” and “dolphin.

‘Womb’ can mean belly, bowels, heart or uterus. Quite the paradox.

womb (n.)
Old English wamb, womb “belly, bowels, heart, uterus,” from Proto-Germanic *wambo… …of unknown origin.

Back to the second of the twin pines.
The amygdala is named for its resemblance to an almond. Although the amygdala’s tail gives it more the look of sperm, or sapling, which makes the name amygdalos (almond tree) seem more appropriate.


Recall the 173 in the square root of three, the ratio of Vesica Pisces, relate these to the third eye; and finally, the next paragraph begins the etymology of the word tree, within which the first date is 1530. Also, tree comes from treo, resonating with three again.

tree (n.)
Old English treo, treow “tree” (also “timber, wood, beam, log, stake”), from Proto-Germanic *treuwaz- (cognates: Old Frisian tre, Old Saxontrio, Old Norse tre, Gothic triu “tree”), from PIE*drew-o-, from *deru- “oak” (cognates: Sanskrit dru “tree, wood,” daru “wood, log;” Greek drys”oak,” drymos “copse, thicket,” doru “beam, shaft of a spear;” Old Church Slavonic drievo “tree, wood;” Serbian drvo “tree,” drva “wood;” Russian drevo “tree, wood;” Czech drva; Polish drwa”wood;” Lithuanian derva “pine, wood;” Old Irish daur, Welsh derwenoak,” Albanian drusk “oak“). This is from PIE *drew-o-, a suffixed form of the root *deru- “to be firm, solid, steadfast” (see true), with specialized sense “wood, tree” and derivatives referring to objects made of wood.

The widespread use of words originally meaning “oak” in the sense “tree” probably reflects the importance of the oak to ancient Indo-Europeans. … For Dutch boom, German Baum, the usual words for “tree,” see beam (n.). Meaning “framework of a saddle” is from 1530s…”


A map showing how the following words are related, as in the diagram below (click and join), is available, but under construction. The full etymology can, of course, also be viewed at the source thereof, ETYMONLINE.COM unless otherwise noted. The significance of the many bolded words and numbers here will be explained in no specific order.

Etymologies Of The Vesica Pisces.

“Blader of a fish” is the English translation for Vesica Pieces, the ‘household’ Latin name for the symbol. The prefix is ‘vesica’, a Latin word that literally means bladder or blister. There are three somewhat common alternative names, Mandorla (Almond), Delphos (womb or dolphin) and the much forgotten Re (mouth), which will be covered soon.

As shall be demonstrated there are a myriad of other options.

Question is, why these names and why “Vesica Pisces” in particular, and above all others? Why not call it by the less common terms for mouth or the womb? The womb after all is the organ most commonly associated with it, but equally strange is that this association is not for the shape of the womb, but figuratively, for the shape of the orifice it is connected to and the productive quality they hold in common.

The author must remind the reader that the derogatory tone or color of words and meanings within this research arise from the history of linguistics and by no fault of the author.

As stated above the primary asossiation of meaning to this symbol causes the etymology explored to be that of words related to the female pudenda- (external genitals, literally “thing to be ashamed of”). The first of these will take us directly back to the above mentioned work of Carl Jung’s, via the title “(A)Ion”

“Ionian (adj.)
“of Ionia,” the districts of ancient Greece inhabited by the Ionians (including Attica and the north coast of the Peloponnesus, but especially the coastal strip of Asia Minor, including the islands of Samos and Chios). The name (which Herodotus credits to an ancestral Ion, son of Apollo and Creusa) probably is pre-Greek, perhaps related to Sanskrit yoni “womb, vulva,” and a reference to goddess-worshipping people. ”

On the cover page of “Aion” is an image of that anthropomorphized, feline Greek god with the body of a man and the head of a lion. The fish, in the story of Tobias attacked from the Tigris – Greek root of ‘tiger’ or, as etymology would have it “possibly from” a word for ‘arrow‘)
These two (Ion and tigris) both lead to the next term, pussy cat.

pussy (n.2)
slang for “female pudenda,” 1879, but probably older; perhaps from Old Norse puss “pocket, pouch” (compare Low German puse “vulva”), but perhaps instead from the cat word (see pussy(n.1)) on notion of “soft, warm, furry thing;” compare French le chat, which also has a double meaning, feline and genital.

A transsexual is usually one who is expected to be a male, but becomes the a female. After which the unwitting victims expect the individual to be female, but are suddenly surprised by the opposite genitalia. Such circumstances are the original definition of a catastrophe.

catastrophe (n.) 
1530s, “reversal of what is expected” (especially a fatal turning point in a drama), from Latin catastropha, from Greek katastrophe “an overturning; a sudden end,” from katastrephein”to overturn, turn down, trample on; to come to an end,” from kata “down” (see cata-) + strephein”turn” (see strophe). Extension to “sudden disaster” is first recorded 1748.

A catastrophe is exactly how man predominantly prophecies the peek for the transition of ages (eons or aions) to play out (The Apocalypse).

The most commonly accepted word for the female pudenda, which one can almost get away with using in general public, is;

“vagina (n.)
“sexual passage of the female from the vulva to the uterus,” …, from specialized use of Latin vagina “…; sheath of an ear of grain, …, from PIE *wag-ina-… From root wag,…, Probably the ancient notion is of a sheath made from a split piece of wood…”

The next two words will reflect the concept of the net, and thereby both above mentioned stories.

vulva (n.)
late 14c.,…, earlier volva “womb, female sexual organ,” perhaps literally “wrapper,” from volvere “to turn, twist, roll, revolve,” also “turn over in the mind,” from PIE root *wel- (3) “to turn, revolve,” with derivatives referring to curved, enclosing objects (see volvox).

box (n.1.)
Old English box “a wooden container,” also the name of a type of shrub, from Late Latin buxis, from Greek pyxis “boxwood box,” from pyxos”box tree,” which is of uncertain origin. See OED entry for discussion. …
Meaning “pigeon-hole at a post office” is from 1832. Meaning “television” is from 1950. Slang meaning “vulva” is attested 17c., according to “Dictionary of American Slang;” modern use seems to date from c.World War II, perhaps originally Australian, on notion of “box of tricks…”

“Silly Rabbit, Trix are fore kids”
image Silly pervert, Chalices are for making babies!

net (n.)
Old English net “netting, network, spider web, mesh used for capturing,” also figuratively, “moral or mental snare or trap,” from Proto-Germanic *natjan (cognates: Old Saxon net, Old Norse, Dutch net, Swedish nät, Old High Germannezzi, German Netz, Gothic nati “net”), originally “something knotted,” from PIE *ned- “to twist, knot” (cognates: Sanskrit nahyati “binds, ties,” Latin nodus “knot,” Old Irish nascim “I bind, oblige”).

Fish Net StalkingsimageA moral or mental snare/trap

net (adj.)
“remaining after deductions,” 1510s, from earlier sense of “trim, elegant, clean, neat” (c. 1300), from Old French net “clean, pure,” from Latinnitere “to shine, look bright, glitter” (see neat). Meaning influenced by Italian netto “remaining after deductions.” As a noun, 1910.

Recall that Tobis went blind when he was unclean, in fact he would not have become so if it weren’t for being defiled. Also his son, Tobias, was cleaning himself when he came upon the fishy cure for his father’s blindness.

In ancient Egypt ‘net’ meant fluidity and ‘netnet’ meant ‘pour’. nether imageAlso, ‘net(h)er’ meant god. This takes the mind to ‘net her’, as in catch her or put fish net stalkings on her legs (feet).

In English ‘nether’ means down or Under (recall the Australian “box of tricks”) and ‘Nut’ was the Egyptian sky goddes.

So ‘nut’ is above and nether is below. As above, so below.

The origin of the English word ‘god’ is from German ‘gott or got‘, derived from PIE ‘gheu’ meaning “that which is called upon” or “pour”. In meaning ‘pour’ it is synonymous with the Egyptian ‘netnet’. The German words ‘gott’ and ‘got also sync with the Italian ‘gatto’ and Spanish ‘gato’, both meaning ‘cat‘.

Constellating all of this may give us a meaning something like ‘god pours down cats (perhaps Vesica Pisces) from the sky’.

The hieroglyph for ‘net(h)er’ (god) appears to be a flag, which of course is something that is seen in the sky.

“flag (v.1)
1540s, “flap about loosely,”…Sense of “go limp, droop, become languid” is first recorded 1610s.”

With the sense of drooping, ‘flag’ revives the notion of ‘nether’ downward. It may also bring one to the concept of impotence, commonly known in males as ED, for which one takes a Viagra, reminiscent of vagina and/or Niagara, a pouring river. A waterfall so high that it appears, from below, to come from the sky, Nut! To nut is the very purpose of Viagra and a condom (which is from Latin ‘condam’ and relates phonetically to condemn, thus Damn) or sheath is used to arrest that flow, to catch the microscopic fish, to net the netnet of the nut.

Now consider the one biblically unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit; that spirit which pours from God.

Academically we have the word dam for stopping a flow and Biblically we have Damn for condemn to Hell, a separation from God, gott, nut and nether. Perhaps from the pleasure and reproductive power of intercourse, the fertile power associated with most gods and goddesses. Perhaps the Catholic mantra is true; maybe “every sperm is sacred”.

The Egyptian fluidity of net and pour of netnet, God and gott bring the sign of Aquarius to the forefront of mind. The age following Pisces, a man pouring water from a jug. The damn spoken of above, may then refer to the holding back of the transition to the ‘divinely’ apointed, astrological zeitgeist of the coming time or new eon. That is, to reiterate, to impede the appropriate transitioning from the aspects of Pisces to that of Aquarius. These being a transition from mental trickery and secrets to clarity and disclosure.


There appear to be six memory banks of the human psyche. These are the unconscious, subconscious and conscious realms, each divided into individual and collective. Unconscious content is information that has never been conscious, subconscious was conscious, but lies dormant until recalled, and conscious content is information the collective or individual is currently aware of.

The possession of ten toes (more or less)

was subconscious content untill the reading of those words, just now -unless you happen to have been aware of your ten toes as you read it-. The state of awareness of them was brought forth by the words and the meaning behind them to the conscious state. The number of hairs on your head were, are now, and will always be unconscious information, unless one happens to count (have counted) them.

If two or more individuals are reading this together, then we are speaking of a collective psyche, otherwise it is an individual psyche.

Certainly one ought also consider the author’s psyche. Although the author themelv’es are not present, the author’s psychic content is present.

The vast majority of the world’s population operate behaviorally according to sub-&-unconscious impulses.

When none can articulate cogent meaning, nested within the symbolism, when they, “Know not what they do…” “…nailing boards to trees and bringing them indoors”

The obvious reference to Asherah is not obvious, if you never learned about Asherah trees or poles? Idols of the goddess and wife sister of Yaweh, whom he struck from the originally Cananite Pantheon He now rules alone…

What is consciously celbrated or even “remembered” is not usually what was originally meant by the fathers of a given celebration in traditions of all kinds.

In particular, for example,are the majority of Christian traditions on and around December 25. As to their own traditions, the majority have in mind (consciousness) only meanings limited to a modern perspective. They do not know the historical meanings of the symbolism in their traditions, therefore that knowledge is unconscious to them.

Often times the faithful will admit that they do not understand their traditions

and they know that many of those traditions come from outside of their belief system or worldview, yet they passively practice them none the less. The meanings of the Traditions may have been changed or forgotten on the collective conscious level -whether by gradual, word of mouth bastardization, plain neglect, or through intentional missdirection- but the original meanings remain either in the individual subconscious or unconscious mind for descendants of those who held that content consciously.

Where there are an elite few, who retain such knowledg, there is a collective subconscious.

There is no evidence as of yet, of a super collective consciousness, for whom all past and present information is accessible, a God consciousnes one may say, which is often believed in and referred to as the Akashic records. Although, if it exists, it is not likely mankind will ever find a way to prove it so.

Jeremiah 10

2Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
5They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

Some Christian’s retain the memory of the Christmas Tree as a “heathen” symbol, some of them confuse heathen for pagan and they call the tree a “Pagan” symbol. But one ought to realize that statues or pictures of Jesus, Mary or any saint, a cross or tree, all idols, just the same, are the subject of this scripture.

They were Jewish traditions, the idols of the elohim gods.

Keep in mind that “pagan” means extra theocracy, outside the political influence of oficial doctrine dictation. The establishment was polytheism, monotheism was pagan first.

Pagan is an antonym to sheep of the flock.

when one claims to have a personal relationship with God, that is not reliant on, but independent of a church or religion’s dogma, by definition, we are calling ourselves somewhat pagan.

Symbolism that is employed by the great religious systems of the world are not pagan.

When used acording to doctrine, they are sanctioned by the systems in power.

Take the star of david.

If one titles a hexagram as the “Star of David”, wittingly or not, one is using a revealing terminology. The “Star of David” is a symplified, Hindu canonized, Shri Yantra, the heart chackra. It was probably brought from the Asian collective to the Jewish via the Arabic, who called it Solomon’s seal, fully defined, peace seal. That is, those who delivered the gifts of peace, love and science to the west were oriental alchemist, astrologers; you know, magi.

The magi were literally Pagans, who brought a star of peace, love and science.

The actual gifts of the magi were chemistry, astronomy and algebra with its Sanscrit (Hindu) digits. Most important of all, at the base of all these gifts is both the concept and digit of zero.

The real Magi of mankind were the global collective subconscious in the Orient, smuggling lost knowledge through the desert of time. A living timecapsyle for the roots to scientific advancement, trudging through time till the rest of the collective was ready to break the star seal, unlock the box peace, love and hope in the form of science, and begin an age of technological abundance.

Unpacking this box is no simple matter. Often its contents are abrasive to our old ways of thinking and behaving. It’s been a long journey to where we are. The key so far has been to apply reason to the gifts brought from the East. The civilised collective no longer burns witches for lack of evidence. Slavery and indentured servitude too, have failed the test reason. Although we’re nowhere near done yet. In the end, the majority collective will have to realize that faith is pretending knowledge. They will have to see that to make claims to property based on the dictates of a being which cannot be produced also fails the test of reason and leads to destruction. Though there may be a God, our attempts to speak for it are fatally futile. humans with will have to withhold judgement and belief as to “if God?” and “what God?”,

they will have to be atheists to evolve from divisive make believe.

Atheists who fully participate in the Christmas traditions of the day, often believe in a materialistic consumerism, that may as well be a religion. Especially if that atheist also teaches children to believe in Santa and flying reindeer.

At the very least, they follow what is canonized by the state, which quite often sanctions belief in god.

Even the dollar, being a fiat currency of no true value, is an article of faith,

evidenced by the printed proclamation “In God We Trust” and a belief in its value. Here patriotism can be seen as synonymous with piety. What is religious vs what is pagan is quite a grey matter surrounded by a haze of semantics.

This haze of semantics is the source of global division. The various dogma the faithful live by is glue to its respctive community, but, at best, degreaser to all outsiders. Black Friday is a a kind of ritual expression of our repressed holliday cellebrations of old. The collective subconscious lust of saternalian orgy, bursting out annually. The lawless hoards fighting like dogs for gadgets, for the fool is king at this timtime in much of our ancestral culture.

What are the world’s winter Holliday symbols about? Do they all have one meaning in common? Is there anything reall, tangible or interesting to cellebrate for one who just doesn’t believe? Or is the nonbeliever destined to juggle the bennefits of the season with the pretense to reason for the season? Is there something all religious and nonbelieving folk alike can embrace about the holiday? Is there something that can raise collective awareness and unite people in, love, peace and hope in symbolism and tradition with meaning in truth, something true yet numinous for everyone?

Well here we go. This is where the author is supposed to tell you,

“YES! There is, its HEPNEN!

Its an exciting truth that can change the world.”

Although it would not be a dishonest statement, as there is certainly quite a bit of potential in what will follow, the author lacks any authority or desire to persuade that it is so. Time will tell.

The details disclosed here have been easy to obtain for quite some time. Any one could have laid the entire alignment of the winter solstice out in public view from day one of recorded history, as it has been part of the annual cycle for long over 5k years. The writers of our ancient myths seem to have known of it. Although, instead of laying it out, the great traditions of the world that seem to have known of the alignment have only alluded to its parts through scriptures, traditions and symbolism. The only attempts there have been to illuminate the truth of the winter solstice alignment have still left out the most important part.

So few care to learn the truth. Even fewer care to publish it and of them fewer care to face the shadow head on.

It may or may not be time for the collective conscious to develop a passion for truth and unity, but this author is a reallist, looking at all signs pointing down the same old path of human ignorance. So there is only a desire to be heard by those who can and will have an ear. No expectations of results. Any future is possible. The direction of collective consciousness will determine the impact of any given idea on consciousness.

Be critical, skeptical, open and even agreeable, but please. Please Don’t believe as you read. Question and examine. Be mindful. Your conclusions are yours.

And now weigh the evidence, provided hereafter, for The Asto- Nativity Alignment of the New Year.



Nen is the Egyptian word for Winter Solstice.

Note. The E in NEN is not only an interpretation of vowels, but the application of assumed vowels, where there are no symbols representing vowels in the script, alphabet or hieroglyph.

Just as I will inform hereafter, it is in this way that the word “nen” relates us to the fish symbolism via the Hebrew letter Nun. There are many places in SOLSTICE SHADOWS, where we will find direct references to the fish subject, although I will withhold discussing them, for the most part, leaving the subject of their commonalities to a blog series of its own eventually.

That said, the letter nun in Hebrew and Arabic has also no vowel, but we know the phonetic sound is noon for both. As you likely know, nun is fish in Hebrew. So from the beginning we find a solid root common to both works, namely ICHTHYOS & SOLSTICE SHADOWS. But now we focus on the Winter Solstice.

The concept of the winter solstice is about marking a beginning and end of the annual cycle. Something that has no actual beginning or end. Therefore this idea is in contradiction with actuality. Humans though, have a universal need to force a beginning an end into cycles.

The simple explanation for this is that humans need a common frame of reference. They want to gather and celebrate the cycles of life and they need a common method of determining when to do so. It is not unlike the celebration of a birthday and the mourning of death by one who believes that the human soul is an eternal being. Eternal identifies with the cycle; there can be no actual beginning nor end for either. Birth and death from that perspective should be seen as mundane and redundant as sleeping, eating, drinking and defecating. Though the human being, being the being of opposition the being is always being, celebrates birth, mourns and fears death as much as the observer who views the soul as linear, mortal, and temporary.

The fact that we know not the size of our universe leaves us with no center by which to draw a factual frame of reference. Fear of the unknown being the prevailing mindset, from ancient times on, man has felt need to fabricate a center and soothe his yellow soul with an imaginary frame of reference; until recently man made believe that the center was Earth. In the same way that he evaded his fear of non-existence by imagining his soul to be immortal.

To question the accepted dogma, even a single minute detail in an unattended, dark corner of a belief system, is to risk the collapse of the entire fabrication. A threat more grave than one on the level of national security, call it Empirical security. This is why the Catholic Church resisted changing their view when its members began to discover that the Earth was not the center of the universe, nor is it flat, as they claimed God had told them it was.

Man is so afraid of the unknown that he often cannot admit, even to himself, that he does not know and he will kill to keep his lack of knowledge hidden in dark shadows.

Although, to digress, a frame of reference is a byproduct of perception, and a means to survive. It cannot be avoided. Therefore No harm no foul in the draughting of imaginary lines and placemarks for measuring (judging) time and space.

Astronomy and Astrology are two methods of studying, measuring and judging the character and motion of objects in the sky and documenting there place in the common framework of human perception. The difference between them, which was clear untill quantum physics piped in, was that Astrology viewed the dance of these objects as a mirror to the state of the Earth and psyche of men. “As above, so below.” While astronomy, to this day, predominantly views the cosmos above to be of little relation to the dynamics “below”, other than the laws that govern and atoms that form them. Although, as alluded to above, Quantum Physics has begun to question the assumptions of its Newtonian predecessor. Man now has an aggregate of evidence pointing to links between atoms other than by time and space.

Now the fact of the matter, regardless of any differences, is that both schools of thought are drawing imaginary lines in order to understand the universe and working mostly with cycles, as the vast majority of objects in the sky are caught, bound or possessed in orbit around, and by the gravity of some larger or more massive object. Not one known orbit forms a perfect circle. Instead they are oblong ellipses (ovals). Ovals when observed by themselves, like circles or anything cyclical is eternal and, as previously established, has no actual beginning or end.

As far as most humans are concerned, there is no first and no last object to travel across the sky every 24 hours. Nor is there a first or last day, or point on the horizon from which an object can rise or set respectively, throughout the 365 days of orbit or the 24 hour rotation to signify a start or finish. The concept would not even exist if not for the eye of the beholder, who perceives the numbers of 24 hours and 365 days. None the less, the observer did not invent the numbers of Days in a year, it is a natural fact that any observer will conclude to upon measurement. When an observer puts into perspective the various objects at his judgemental disposal, an order and pattern is unveiled, with perceivable points of start and completion for a cycle. The 24 hour cycle is perceived, by the majority, to begin at first light, sunrise. Although some cultures have viewed sunset as its beginning. It is the two polorized, transitional points, from light to dark and dark to light, existing independent of and a prior to man in a pattern of space and time that obligates hint to give it name and numbers and wonder of its meaning.

The year’s cosmic dance of the Sun and stars is attributed an end and beginning according to the pattern it repeats each time around. The end of a cycle will always be the beginning of the next. The Winter Solstice is the end and beginning of years, celebrated as Christmas or Yule or Hannuka etc. The reasons for all the various names are all the various geographic and cultural perspectives. The more various the perspectives the more various the metaphorical descriptions. An observer on the moon would see the Cycle as a totally different pattern from that of the view from the ground we stand on, just as observers from differing latitudes, landscapes and pre-concieved ideas form different methods for measuring and celebrating the passage of time. While the day is undeniably beginning for one seeing the sun rise, it is undeniably ending for one who simultaneously watches a sunset.

The annual pattern is an orbit of the Earth around the Sun and, whether they know that or not, every observer on Earth has always placed the Sun at the focal point of the mathematical pattern or allegorical story. And although the moon orbits the Earth about once a month and is used by every culture to measure 12 months a year, it is the Sun’s annual relationship to Earth that defines a year as 12 rotations of the moon. Another important note is that 12 lunar cycles do not equal a close enough approximation to a full year for an accurate calandar, there is always a remainder, a fraction of a thirteenth month till the Earth has completed its annual voyage. The planets all wander about far from any annual rhythm, so the stars, being the only observably “fixed” bodies in the sky, give context to the Sun’s yearly motion. Further, being that the Stars can only be viewed at night after sun set, a description of the winter solstice pattern will begin with Sun rise and set, then move through the constellations.

The pattern of the major stars of the winter Solstice runs as follows: Sun rise and set, Orion’s rising, Canis Major, Argo. Orion’s setting, Canis Major, Argo, Sun. On a daiy timeline, because of our planet’s eastward rotation, the Earths eastern horizon is a place mark for rising elements, birth. Earths western horizon is a place mark for a setting body, death. When repeatedly viewed from one location the fixed stars will always rise at the same place in the east and, likewise, set in the west in the same places. As long as one is standing on the same spot.

Depending on the time of year; if an observer Stands in the same spot every day plotting the locations on the Eastern horizon where the Sun is observed rising and the western horizon where the Sun sets, it appears to be moving, each day, North or South along the Eastern horizon and set in oposistion South to North upon setting.

In mid June, the Sun is as far north as it goes along the horizon of the East. This is where we have the longest day, known as the summer solstice. It is the longest period of light in the 24 hour period we call a “day”, out of 365 “days” in the year and the shortest night. From there it begins moving south, reaching as far south as it will rise on December 20th/21st; beginning the three shortest days of the year. From this day toDecember 23rd/24th the Sun appears to stand still as it rises each morning for roughly three days in the same spot; a three day limbo between yearly cycles.

In the following animation each frame is a new day and a view of the Sun rising from December 18th to the 26th.


From here the focus will be on where the Sun Rises in the East from the perspective of the Northern hemisphere, during the Winter Solstice.

ICHTHYOS 1.1 VESICA PISCES. Her Mothership The Challice

ICHTHYOS 1.1 VESICA PISCES. Her Mothership The Challice

The Mother and Building Block Of All Geometry

Similar to the shape of an American foot-ball, it looks like four out of any fully functioning human beings nine orifices (including eye sockets). Those biological gateways through which we are born, we see, speak and copulate!

It is the seed, the womb, the symbol of birth, the doorway to life on Earth. It is personified in femanine forms such as Mary or Isis. It is the, conjunction, cuniunctio, tertium comparationis, the individuation; the merger, balance and reconciliation of oposites.

Ladies and gentlemen, Chalices and Phalluses,
The truly wholly, Virgin Mother.

The Vesica Pisces

From here on referred to as the Chalice.

The Chalice is the image of the common area of two converging circles. Metaphorically Heaven to Earth and self to Self.
In biology she is the image of unicellular (or cell) division, mitosis, meiosis, karokynesis.

From here add another circle and you have a triquetra.

A perfect Chalice is made by circles who’s edges lie on each others radius (center).The ratio of a perfect Chalice is an approximation to the square root of three, which makes the triquetra quite redundant with its three circles and three chalices.

Continuing the pattern of circles eventually manifests the seed of life, the flower of life and the fruit of life. The Chalice might be called the original draught of all things. From the geometry of the Chalice all other geometric shapes can be drawn.

The Penial Chalice In Rumor, Myth and Scripture.

The widely agreed upon rumor that Pythagoras discovered the wonders of the Chalice -i.e. the Chalice is a base for all mathematical symbols (geometry)- and that he named the equation ‘265:153=1.73’ the “Measure of the fish”, may or may not actually be true. Research has resulted in no evidence whatsoever that Pythagoras connected any equation with a near square root of three as its quotient to the measurements of the Chalice. Nor has any evidence surfaced to show that he ever coined the term “Measure of The Fish” at all.

It is not impossible though, as Pythagoras is known to be insufficiently documented for much knowledge of exactly what he may or may not have done or said on various topics.

Nonetheless, it was more likely the infancy Christians who wrote the new testament, fully equipped with Pythagorean geometry, that first discovered the above formula and coined the title thereof. They at least are documented to have had such perspective.

Although rumors are no less important within the context of Syncphany’s study of the fish.

In the lesser known tale Pythagoras is said to have once been attacked by 153 frogs. The other story says that he came upon a wager with a fisherman that if he could number a catch of fish, he could do as he pleased with the lot. Correctly guessing there were 153 fish, Pythagoras instructed the man to release them back into the sea. Though again it is all hearsay.

Here is a little more on “153”

The number 153 is again the number of fish as it appears in the miracle fishing story of Jesus, at the end of the book of John 21:11, along with the encryption of other relevant numbers. This has germinated many theories and debates who’s passions burnt events,
metaphors and symbolisms into history, scripture and dogma. One such etching is in the number 153 becoming representative to many Christians of the term “Fishers of Men.”


Here is an example, in a clip that describes the encoding of the geometry of the Chalice in John 21:11, from a book entitled;

The Dimensions of Paradise
by, John Michel

“….He called out that they should cast their net on the right side of the boat. Having done so, they were unable to draw it out for the multitude of fishes in it. John then recognized Jesus and told Simon Peter, who put on his fisher’s coat and jumped into the sea. The other disciples followed him in the boat to the shore, which was about 200 cubits away, dragging the net with the fishes. When Simon Peter drew it to land it was found to be “full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.” The number of Σιμων ὁ Πετρος, Simon Peter, is 1925, so Peter can be represented by a circle with circumference 1925 and diameter 612½ or 612. This is appropriate because 612 is the number of ὁ ποιμην ἀγαθος, the Good Shepherd, and that is the title which Simon Peter inherits when, following the incident of the 153 fishes, he is told three times by Jesus, “Feed my sheep.” Six more circles of the same dimensions are drawn for the six other disciples, and the seven are packed together in the most economical way
and placed inside the circular boat, like the coracle of the Celtic saints, the diameter of which is 1224. The disciples are told to cast their net on the right side of the boat. This is done geometrically by placing the compass point on the circumference of the circular boat and drawing an arc of another circle with the same radius, containing a Vesica Piscis (bladder of the fish). The rhombus within it is divided up into sixteen smaller diamond shapes.
image Its width being 612, each of its sixteen divisions has a width of 153. They represent sixteen small fishes making up a greater seventeenth, and here again the number 153 is brought out, for 153 is the sum of the numbers from 1 to 17. The measure around the four sides of the greater rhombus-fish is 2448 or 1224 + 1224 or το δικτυον, the net, plus ἰχθυες, fishes. Thus the net full of 153 fishes is illustrated in number and geometry.

The process described above is an objective one. The numbers are taken directly from references encoded together contextually, in the same chapter of the same book and used to draw circles and lines. It is easy to see that this was intentional encryption, by the original writers.

Now lets take a subjective look at Michel’s figure 68.
On the left is what, in modern times, is called a seed of life. On the right is a empty net in a Chalice. In the middle is a crescent that is partially hidden by the ‘seed’. If we turn the image 90 degrees counter clockwise, we can view the crescent as a boat and see that, as the 153 fish story goes, there is an empty net above the boat (crescent) and 16 Vesica Pisces underneath.
Recall that the geometric draught explained in the clip uses the number of the good shepherd to draw a circle inside another circle which is 7 times larger and represents the boat. A circle, not a crescent, represents the boat. It would appear that John Michel did not intend to depict the scene of net and fish positioned on either side of a boat, which is represented by a crescent. Although he certainly intended for the smaller circles to be the disciples who’s intersecting areas form fish. Yet, we can clearly see that scene being illustrated. We may never know for sure if the ancient writers of the book of John intended it, though it does seem likely.

The number 153 has now been shown to represent the width of the Vesica Pisces. Numbers are more important to theology than most people realize. Gematria, for instance, is an ancient method of relating number and meaning.
It is a Greek and Hebrew practice which gives a numerical value to letters thus words, phrases, paragraphs all the way to entire books.

A little more math…
1³ + 3³ + 5³ = 153

Only one verse in the Bible has the gematria sum of 153. It is Ezra 10:35, that’s right, minus the “0:”, it just happens to be an anagram to 153. All the verse contains are the names of three Hebrew men who are named for having married outside of the Hebrew family.

Note Ezra means ‘help’ (Strong’s 5380).

Ezra 10:35
“Benaiah, Bedeiah, Chelluh.”
What meaning of value could
Possibly be in that?

Translated to English these names mean; Benaiah- God builds, Bedeiah- servant of God, Chelluh- to completion (the End). Put together they can mean, God builds up his servants to the End. This is synonymous with the concept of the vesica Pisces, represented by ‘153’ being the building block of all things.

It just so happens that in Ancient Egyptian the word ‘arq’ (ark) means end and is represented by a fish symbol.
And the 153rd verse in the bible is Genesis 6:15 which says,
“And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
That’s 300 X 50 X 30 = 45,000
This could also be taken subjectively and added to 380.

And look at the shape of one contender to the title of “Noah’s Ark”.

Note also that the eight human occupants of the Biblical Ark are first named in Genesis 6:18. Or 1 6 18, Phi!

Although nothing significant is yet found within it, it is worthy of mention that the Bahai Faith has an aggregate of 153 proverbs called the “Hidden Words”. Being that the entire scripture is easily obtained in the public domain, the only mystery is why it would be called hidden.
Perhaps it is the hidden words are Vesica Pisces?

There is but one place known to the author where a fishes bladder is directly refered to in scripture anywhere. That is in the Apacraphal book of Tobit named after the main character.

There are two complete versions of the book of Tobit in Greek. A long version and a short one. They call these versions Greek I (GI), the shorter of the two, and Greek II (GII) the longer. Here the text is taken from a paralell translation of both. This one is called NETS (New English Translation of the Septuagint) 19 Tobit, by ALEXANDER A. DI LELLA

From its title this particular translation is subjectively relevant to an article about the fish, because of the acronym  NETS, as in fish nets. More importantly it is objectively appropriate, being that it presents both versions, because the short version often includes relevant information that the longer either contradicts or omits. In order to save the reader time I have Omitted some of the text and summarized in my own narrative. Still, to be more in tune with the important details, I have used the text from GII as a base and where such a case of variance (as described above) presents itself, I have inserted the missing or alternative phrases in parenthesis with the designation GI.

Tobit is a man who loses his sight when sparrow dung covers his eyes with a white film. His son Tobias is sent to collect an inheritance, unwittingly guided by the angel Raphael, who plans to cure Tobit’s blindness with a fishes bladder and exersise a groom killing deamon in Tobias’ future wife, with the heart and liver of the same fish. Only Raphael knows what is to transpire. Including the acquisition of a wife for Tobias.

Tobit was a pius man, always looking for a chance to help the less fortunate men of his race. He  was particularly interested in providing proper burial for deseaced believers, which in the land he had been held captive, was illegal.  He had been in hiding as he was in danger for his disregard for said law. Our text begins in verse 9 of the second chapter after Tobit has gone out in public, at risk to his life, to bury yet another.

“2:9 Then the same night I washed myself and went into my courtyard and slept by the wall of the courtyard (GI because I was defiled), and my face was uncovered because of the heat. 10And I did not know that there were sparrows in the wall above me, and their warm excrement settled into my eyes and brought about white films.”

In chapter five Tobis sends his son, guided by Raphael the angel, who they think is Azarias, son of Hananias the great, one of their relatives, to retrieve money that Tobis had left with a friend, so that Tobias could take it as his inheritance. Durring the journey Tobias and the disguised Raphael camped at the Tigris river for a night.
“6:3Then the child went down to wash his feet (GI wash himself) in the Tigris River. And a large fish, leaping up from the water, wanted to swallow the foot of the young man…) (GI swallow the young man)“…and he cried out. 4Then the angel said to the young man, “Take hold of the fish, and hang on!” So the child seized the fish and carried it up onto the land. 5Then the angel said to him, “Rip open the fish, and take out its gall and heart and liver, and put them aside with you, but the entrails throw away. For its gall and heart and liver are useful as medicine.” 6So cutting open the fish, the young man gathered together the gall and heart and liver; then he roasted and ate some of the fish and kept some of it salted.”
Closer to their destination Raphael spoke to Tobias saying,
6:11 “This night we must stay in the home of Ragouelos. Now the man is your relative, and he has a beautifula daughter whose name is Sarra. 12And he has no male son or daughter except Sarra alone, and you are closer to her than all other men, to have her as an inheritance. And it is right for you to have her father’s possessions as an inheritance. Also the girl is sensible and brave and very beautiful, and her father is noble.”
“14 Then in reply Tobias said to Raphael, “Brother Azarias, I heard that she already has been given to seven husbands, and they died in their bridal chamber. On the night when they went in toward her, they would die.”
“17Now when you go into the bridal chamber, take some of the fish’s liver and heart, and put them on the embers of the incense, and the smell will go forth. 18Then the demon will smell it and flee and will never be seen around her any more.”
Tobias follows the lead of the Angel and everything goes as planned. Tobias burns the heart and liver in the bridal chamber…
“3And the odor of the fish became a hin- drance, and the demon fled into the upper parts of Egypt. But Raphael went and bound him there hand and foot and tied him up at once.”
After two weeks of celebration they head home long over due. Tobias with two inheritances instead of one. They came  near to Tobias’ home,
“11:7 Then Raphael said to Tobias, before he had approached his father, “I know that his eyes will be opened. 8Sprinkle the gall of the fish on his eyes, and the medicine will make the white films contract and peel off from his eyes, and your father will look up and see the light.”
“10Then Tobis got up and stumbled on his feet and went out the door of the courtyard. And Tobias went up to him. 11:11Now the gall of the fish was in his hand, and he blew into his eyes and held him and said, “Take courage, father.” Then he lay the medicine on him, and ait workeda.
And he scaled it off with both his hands from the corners of his eyes. Then he fell on his neck, and he wept and said to him, ‘I see you, my child, the light of my eyes!’ “
Again, most of the bolded number, word and phrase significance will be described in later chapters of the ICHTHYOS series, although it is nessisary to explain some of them now.
The word sparrow in 2:10 is translated from the greek word strouthion which means a small bird, sparrow and in the origional hebrew, tsippor means bird. The point here is that it is not nessisarily sparrows that this verse refers to, but birds in general.
The number of husbands of Sara, as stated in verse 6:14, is seven which makes Tobias her 8th husband.

Verse 11:11 is where the miracle of sight for the blind finally takes place. 1111 has become well known to modern eyes as a number of awakening and enlightnment. It can be said that 1111 is a cure for ignorance and blindness, the power of sight, a phrase such we will revisit soon.

The phrase “he blew in his eyes” is interesting becase of the PIE (Proto Indo European) root *bhle-“to blow“, in the etymology of the word bladder. This just before applying the “gall” to Tobis’ eyes.

Also in verse 11:11 are a pair of consecutive typos. Where it should say “it worked” instead it says “ait workeda”. In two ways this is significant.

The word “it” points, once again, to the most significant event in the story. That is the healing of blind eyes via the fish bladder. Since the original text was Hebrew, “ait” is significant because it foreshadows a Hebrew word to be examined later, namely “et” and phoneticaly “ait”  refers us to the number 8. The Greek letter a is a fish shape. We might translate the phrase ” ait workeda” to 8 worked fish!

The next few sections are an effort to cover most of the words relevant to the Fish and Chalice, along with other facts and subjective commentary. This in order to get past the bulk of them, as quickly yet efficiently as possible.



Fish Cover

© Chris ViGiL Quenzer 2011

The Introduction
A synoptic study of unconscious syncretism surrounding the archetype of fish.

Is it likely that here, in the end of the age of Pisces, and the dawn of the new age (Aquarius), it might be somehow beneficial to examine the past through the eyes, or understanding, of the symbol (Pisces) that mankind has associated with it?

That is the task of this work, to find out if such perspective might edify us. This entire web site is based on the hypothesis that unconscious syncretism or the meaningful syncing of otherwise foreign thoughts and events does exist, and is meaningful, therefore informative. One need not believe or disbelieve the possibility. The best way to approach this hypothesis, like any other, is to suspend belief and view the facts with an open, yet skeptical, minds eye.

ICHTHYOS may be viewed as a subjectively guided, encyclopedia tour of the fish stories of man, but it is much more. The reader will find each story relating to others in such unlikely, yet meaningful ways, that it may be difficult to see any way around the idea of a hidden hand, of one sort or another, moving events, altering records or even controlling minds. For some, the numinous vibe of it all may necessitate a divine intervention explanation. For others, only an ancient elite class of bloodlines could have orchestrated such a globally cohesive history. No doubt, the new generation of wu thinking fertilized by the incredulous history channel, will chalk it up to alien intervention. A Jungian type thinker will likely conclude that somehow it was all subconsciously and/or unconsciously constelated to be exactly as it is, in conformity with an evolutionary psychological archetype. Perhaps in order to inform the conscious ego of the inner workings behind the veil of consciousness; the depths of the collective mind. Still most skeptics will be unable to see past mere coincidence and find reading any further more than difficult, laborious and shameful even. Any lengthy endurance of this content by these will have the unfortunate result of black and blue foreheads, possibly even frontal lobe damage from continuous face palming.

Those who have succumb to a certainty in their convictions, as to all the big questions, explain it away quickly with a belief in conspiracy, deity, spirits, aliens or even hyper dimensional beings etc. Philip K Dick, for example, might attribute it all to a being from the future whom he named VALIS. Though he was a man who perpetually develouped new theories and almost simultaneously dismissed them.

Contrary to the paranormal, extraordinary or numinous explanations, strong sceptics most often pass these things off as pure chance occurrences with just as fallacious a certainty as the rest. Ironically the same “nay sayers” quite often use an argument that sounds like a paraphrasing of biblical red letters, “If you look for it, you will find it” or “one can find any meaning, as long as one has the will to do so”. The exact quote would be “Seek and you shall find”. The point is not moot, but is confused for a conclusive debunking of the other possibilities.

Counter to the sceptics rational, quantum physics has all but proven that, indeed, the interaction of random potential alone morphs chaos into order, wave to particle, reality to actuality. The interaction of observation, it seems, should all the more influence the results of the interaction. So perhaps, yes, Jesus and skeptic alike, you’re right. If we seek (observe), Incidentally, we will find (manifest). Perhaps not.

To reiterate in a more casual language. The argument of the skeptic is often stated as, “Upon the purchase of a new car, one sees the same make and model more often, because of being aware of it, and though it may seem so, there are not suddenly more of them on the road as the believer supposes.”

But the truth may well be that we are more aware of them and there are suddenly more on the road. The theory of a multiverse is a valid contender amongst relevant scientific theories. Perhaps they were there all along, and the conscious state has merely shifted them into focus. Given one of an infinite number of probabilities in reality, would this not have to be true? When driving off the lot with a new car, -in the same instance where it drops in value- the awareness of it, the observation of the road and its populace increases, causing a fork in the road of perception and perceivable. A new awareness filters in an alternate universe; a world where indeed that make and model is more present in mind and matter. If this is true, then our awareness is like a steering wheel, navigating the map of variable reality. Our current location is the actuality we experience in an infinite reallity of locations.

In any case, we don’t know. Thus far we are incapable of devising experiments to practice in order to reach any reasonable conclusion. Certainty of any kind is premature and unjustified.

Meaning is the foundation of all symbolism, and meaning is a psychological phenomenon, a product of consciousness. It is reasonable then to conclude that the most adequate perspective for making sense of anomalous symbolic alignments is probably that of Jungian Psychology. After all, Carl Jung is the man who coined such terms as ‘collective unconscious’ and ‘synchronicity’, which, for this reason, Syncphany primarily utilizes for understanding. Not for belief or agenda, but as hypothesis. It is not, in other words, dogmatically assumed that this is the correct answer, but made use of as the only model of the principle at hand, that doesn’t take a giant leap of faith or deny any other reasonable possibility. It is built on the collaboration of quantum physics and psychology. So it is that the Jungian system will be examined in parallel with the facts. Not to leave out other explanations, we will examine them all in time.

Ultimately we are confined, by reason and our lack of knowledge, to reserve certainty and, for the time being, simply regard this work as an art form. So, pareidolia, apophenia or what ever it may be, relax the argumentation and enjoy the beauty of the patterns to follow.

Interestingly enough, this author did not know of it until well into the research and writing of ICHTHYOS, but Jung himself did a marginally similar study of the fish symbol in his book ‘Aion‘. (See C.G. Jung’s collected works 9-11.) Jung himself had some personal fish constellating synchronistic events, which will be covered later in ICHTHYOS.

The title ‘ICHTHYOS‘ is a play on two Latin words and their Greek root words.
1. Ichthyology, Latin for the study of Ichthys, Greek for fish.
2. Theology, Latin for the study of theo, Greek for god.

‘Theo’ is homophonically embedded into Ichthyology by “coincidence”. Also, by “coincidence”, ‘theo’ is spelled out within ‘ichthyology’, but with a ‘Y’ in place of the ‘E’.

The sole or primary gods in several belief systems (Christianity included) are either half fish, all fish or associated with fish.

So, if one were inclined to coin a word for the study of belief in fish related god(s), ‘ichthyology’ (or ichtheology) would be just as, if not more appropriate, as ‘ichthyology’ is in standing for the zoological study of fish.

It could be argued that the zoological term should be something like ‘ichthology’ to eliminate the homophone and nearly matched spelling of ‘theo’.

Although since the word ‘ichthyology’ is, according to dictionaries, a Latin word, while it’s root, ‘ichthys’, is Greek, perhaps the Latin term for fish, ‘pisces’ would have been a more suitable root. In such a case the word would be something like, ‘pisceology’. The problem there would be the similarity to the existing word piscatology (where did that ‘AT‘ come from?), which sounds like a study of urinating cats, but is the study of the art of fishing. If the coiner(s) were so bothered by such similarities, the word also could have branched from English and used fish-ology or from the root of ‘fish’ to sprout the word fisk-ology. Any of these would have avoided the inevitable confusion with a study such as this.

By the way, for English word coiners who take issue with and avoid similarities in words with completely different definitions, their problem there shows how wiser than most they’re.

Unfortunately a humble digression is in order. Despite this, and Carl Jung’s work, the study of fish related belief systems is not and has not been ‘a thing’, while ‘ichtheology’, as ‘a thing’, goes all the way back to the 1640’s. Even though somehow ‘-ology’ is attested only as early as 1800. Yet again, martyrology is the earliest ‘-ology’ word, on record as early as the 1590’s.

Go figure, it’s all rather fishy. Leave it to the ‘professionals, those good old academia nuts. Perhaps the maylay that follows is ridiculous, but it is curious. Would the study of the suffix ‘-ology’, or the study of the study of things, be called -ologyology?

word-forming element indicating “branch of knowledge, science,” now the usual form of -logy. Originally used c. 1800 in nonce formations (commonsensology, etc.)…

martyrology (n.)
1590s, a native formation from martyr (n.) + -ology….

ichthyology (n.)

Modern Latin, from Greek ikhthys “fish” + -ology.”

Etymology is one of the foundations for understanding how subjective relationships work. The source of etymology, unless otherwise noted is always Etymonline.com.

All Egyptian language references come from “An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary” by Wallace Budge c.1920

Here the concept of a collective consciousness is being examined. Any thought that exists in large numbers of minds falls within the lines of collective consciousness.
Therefore, in this work variances, typos/errors, rumors and lies are all relevant parts of the puzzle we will be examining.

In order to understand the fish symbol, One must first understand where it originates. The root of the Ichthys is in The Vesica Pisces, and the astrological sign of Pisces rules the feet. Consequently it is a logical place to start, at the foot, as the Vesica Pisces serves as an introduction to ICHTHYOS.